What is the meaning of Deception? Concept and Definition of Deception

Definition, Concept, Meaning, What is Deception

Concepto de Engaño

1. Concept of deception

The word hoax comes in its etymology from the latin "ingannare" which refers to the result of the action of the one who mocks another. Who deceives that displays something liar, far removed from reality as true. Deception is to assert a falsehood or lie with a purpose of deliberate to fall another in error. Lie may not be intentional, for example someone says to have seen a fact, that in fact imagined or dreamed, but it says it is convinced that happened, although this does not happen in practice. In this case there were lying because they distort reality, but not deception.
The delusions can occur in multiple orders of life. Examples: "my boyfriend was unfaithful, I cheated with my co-worker," "I was victim of a hoax, a man posed as my real father," "I lured to selling me a product similar to that needed, but very low quality". However, there are certain tricks, that despite being always malicious (intentional) are made for noble reasons: "I cheated my son so that he not suffered the death of their part in a cruel manner, told her that it was travel, and I'll be telling the truth slowly".
The philosopher Plato, in his "allegory of the cave", showed the way in which the sensible reality may be misleading, as it describes the situation of a group of people within a cavern that never went out, and tied, so that only can see an inner wall, where projected images of other men circulating outside lit by a bonfireprojecting its figures on the wall observing the cavemen, taking these as real shadows that draw these bodies, which are different from the reality.
Deception can be source of crimes, if it played matches the described by the criminal standard, for example in the scams and other fraud.

2 Meaning of deception

Deception is the action or effect of deceiving (induce someone to have by the way what it is not, give appearance of truth to the lie, produce illusion). For example: "Mario could not tolerate deception of his wife and left the city", "this financial operation has been the greatest deception to the Argentine people", "it is not magic, it is a simple hoax".
A hoax, therefore, implies a lack of truth in what is being said, makes, or think. It is possible to link it with lying, the pitfalls and Wiles. Some deceptions are trying to protect the deceived (to avoid to take contact with a painful reality) or provide fun (such as a joke or a magic trick).
Children tend to be deceived by adults for the development of games or to maintain a fantasy. A typical hoax is to disseminate the existence of Santa Claus as being responsible for Christmas gifts. Parents tend to deceive their children and say that Santa Claus entering homes to leave the gifts.
When a hoax is intended to obtain an economic revenue, it is scam. This is a crime against property or property: the scammer lures the victim and makes him deliver a patrimonial good believing in the existence of something non-existent. An example of fraud occurs when a person applies for an advance payment of money as a first step for the acquisition of a car. The scammer says that, with that first payment, you can start the process and buy the car. However, the vehicle will be never delivered and the scammer stays with said money.

3. Definition and what deception

The word deception presents an extended usage in our language and is used to refer to various issues.
The action and effect of mislead anyone or deceive himself with any situation that happens is called deception. I don't know because I deceive myself with this relationship to continue. For me the competition is smooth and simply a hoax.
On the other hand, to the lack of truth that has something or directly the falsehood of something referred to as deceit.
Basically, in the deception, there is a total absence of truth in what is done, thinks or says. Usually, the delusions are associated with tricks, tricks, which achieves the purpose of Miss the truth unless the person can perceive it in a direct and clear way.
It should be noted that normally the person which addresses the deception is especially guided by the Deceiver, the person which the deception, so that it falls on the lie. Now, such an action can be with a purpose of exerting evil, or conversely, can mislead someone to protect from with the knowledge of any situation.
On the other hand, it is usual that you fool with a humorous motivation or in those cases in which directs it is a child, to involve it in a reality or special situation. One of the most common deceptions that surrounds the children is to instill beliefs, such as the existence of Santa Claus, the Magi, the raton Pérez, among others.
In another completely different order of things, the word deception presents a reference in the field of bullfighting, because this is called a layer that is used to fight the Bull.
The most popular synonyms of this word, no doubt include lying and falsehood and the concept that directly opposes is the truth, because it involves precisely the real existence of something or correspondence and conformity with something.