What is the meaning of Difussion? Concept and Definition of Difussion

Difussion – Its Definition and Concepts 

Concepto de Difusión

1. Concept of Difussion

Diffusion is a phenomenon that involves extending, disclose or disseminate, through time and space, news, insight, illness, customs, languages, business, fashion, etc.
Dissemination can have scope of small or large scale, and have consequences less or more serious. Example of the first case would be the following: "the teacher challenged me, and soon what I did had spread throughout the school," and the second: "the virus had a wide diffusion, and already reached world level".
The mass media help the dissemination of information is very great to expand fast-shaped posts which helps accentuate the maelstrom of globalization. The first mass media was radio and television, but today Internet has revolutionized communication for the speed and simplicity of the dissemination of news and communication in general.
The diffusion as a chemical phenomenon occurs in solutions, when various substances that compose it tend to occupy all of its volume. Thomas Graham, a Scottish chemist in the middle of the 19th century, studied the phenomenon of diffusion and sat down the theory that the amount of gas that diffuses, makes it in an inverse proportion to the square root of its molecular mass. It differed with rapid dissemination substances and that crystallize easily, calls crystalloids, of those substances, known as colloidal, where the diffusion of their solutions is slow.
When what one speaks or writes it dilates without sense or coherence, refers to broadcasting, as communicative Vice.

2 Meaning of Difussion

Difussion means to propagate something, information, data or news, with the Mission of making it public and that way put it to the attention of a large number of individuals who are unaware of it until that time.
Synonyms used to instances of the word spread among of disclosure, which just refers to the dissemination of knowledge.
It should be noted that in the field scientist, both terms, dissemination and disclosure, are widely used to express to the set of actions and activities from which is interpreted and also made possible the public access to scientific knowledge. Through the dissemination or disclosure scientific informs people about those remarkable scientific discoveries, scientific theories, among other issues.
From the earliest times, we find this type of content. In the past, scientists broadcast themselves and other discoveries through documents, books, in both, are currently varied media by which diffuses them: such is the case of magazines, audiovisual media, there are even television channels, such as National Geographic Channel, dedicated exclusively to disseminate this type of content, internet sites, among the most widely used alternatives.
Within journalism, scientific dissemination has become a prominent branch and which has an important number of professionals involved in disclosing those most important events happened at the behest of the World Science.
Also in the cultural sphere, it is common to talk of cultural diffusion when you want to express that process from which extend the cultural values of a community, society, towards another. This transfer of moral values and customs it is common it materializes through the dissemination of audiovisual content. For example, the Latin American soap operas, which are sold to the Asian continent generated this process of cultural diffusion.
On the other hand, in physics, is called diffusion a physical process of molecular movement, through which material particles enter a half away and produce a molecular disorder for example. It it is also known as molecular diffusion and it is a process of irreversible type.

3. Definition and what is Difussion

Diffusion is the action or effect of spread (spread, disseminate or spread out). The term, which comes from the latin diffusĭo, refers to the widespread communication of a message.
For example: "the city has beautiful tourist attractions, but fails in its distribution: therefore does not receive many visitors", "the Government has launched a campaign to counter criticism of the opposition", "my niece works at a non-governmental organization for the dissemination of their activities", "I'm going to create a media for the dissemination of this venture advisory".
Journalists and media experts are professionals chosen by the companies and organizations to work in the dissemination of their products, services, activities, etc. The media, such as television, radio, print publications or the Internet, are the channels used for dissemination of content at the mass level.
In the field of business, the diffusion of innovations is a concept that makes mention of the acceptance of a new product from the market. Advertising and marketing affect that process.
In another sense, the diffusion is a physical process through which the material particles are introduced in a way that was previously absent, which increases the entropy of the system formed by the known particles and the environment where they are diffused. The physical broadcast is subject to the law of Fick, who argues that the permeable membrane allows passage of particles and solvent for the concentration gradient.