What is the meaning of Egocentrism? Concept and Definition of Egocentrism

Definition, Concept, Meaning, What is Egocentrism

Concepto de Egocentrismo

1. Concept of Egocentrism

Egocentrism is known for being excessive praise that an individual performs on the personality to just to become the center of attention and interest both personal as the environment in which they interact.
For psychology, egocentrism, turns out to be a fairly typical feature of some personalities and is therefore a highly addressed by the aforementioned discipline issue. According to this self-centeredness is especially remarkable because that personality that has exacerbated way will tend to believe that their opinions, their ideas, interests, among others, are much more notable than the of any other individual, although reality shows otherwise.
Note that the self-centered person, as referred to as the individual who suffers from self-centeredness, will notice a huge ego that will lead you to believe that everything must be oriented in the sense, in the meantime, if it is not, as usual, trigger is an important stress within the individual to the environment because it is not even recognizing it or honoring as it believed that they should do it.
Ego turns out to be that disproportionate estimates that an individual feels for it.
One of the most common behaviors that result from those individuals who suffer from self-centeredness is the of looking down on their peers because as he just believed that it is the most important thing, which is right, then, when another says something different, not only does not accept it but normally I despise the proposal as something poor, lacking quality, among other arguments.
Another quite common situation that emerges from the actions of an egocentric is the disinterest that shows for the happiness of others, i.e., not be happy or will much less viewing to a friend who is, on the other hand, be it when he meets above the rest your own wishes and interests.
The self-centered personality is quite easy to recognize in a group, since he is the one who constantly tries to stand out and become the center of attention of the meeting in question.

2 Meaning of Egocentrism

The word egocentrism comes from the latin ego, that means I, and Center, and is defined as that personality trait that possess those who exalt in an exaggerated form its own personality, so they consider that this must be placed in the center of all activity or idea.
Self-centered people not only believe they are the center of everything, but he positioned himself as something more important than the rest of the individuals. They tend to think for others and believe that what they decide, say, think or ordered has a greater importance than the opinions of others, and what opposes you is rejected. The self-centered, in turn, are unable to feel empathy, which is very difficult to try to get in situations outside. For the self-centered individual, all people should think, feel, and wish the same thing that he or she.
Egocentrism is closely related to selfishness, in the sense that the self-centered person tends to be carefree by the needs and them wishes of others. For this reason, social relations egocentric people often have trouble to fit and have healthy relationships with others.
Despite the fact that self-centeredness is frowned upon in adults, various scholars as Jean Piaget worked with the theory that all children are egocentric, don't have formed the concept of things like morality and empathy. Studies of Piaget, although controversial, gave light to the work of other theorists such as Butterworth and Harris, who in 1994 postulated that children are self-centered because they cannot distinguish between the subjective and the objective. For example, if they break a child a toy, it will set more on the damage caused to it, and will have problems to understand the concept that the other person maybe broke it by accident.

3. Definition and what is Egocentrism

Psychology says that the ego is the psychic instance that allows a subject to be aware of their own identity and be recognized as I. The ego mediates between desires it and the moral superego mandates so that the individual will achieve your needs within the social parameters.
It is known as egoism to the excessive love that a person has on itself and that leads her to serve only its own interest, without being interested in non-welfare. Selfishness is therefore the opposite of altruism.
Self-centeredness, a term that refers to the ego-centred (i.e. self), is exaggerated exaltation of personality. The egocentric personality made the center of attention.
Psychologists emphasize that self-centeredness is the belief that the opinions and the interests are more important than the thoughts of others. What the egocentric aims is, according to his perspective, what has value.
The Swiss experimental psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980) said that all children are egocentric since their mental abilities do not allow you to understand that other people may have criteria and different from their beliefs. Other specialists, however, minimize their studies.
An example of egocentrism occurs when they ask a football player on a match and responds by referring only to his performance, without taking into account the participation of peers or rivals in the meeting.