What is the meaning of Executive Power? Concept and Definition of Executive Power

Definition, concept, meaning, what is Executive power

Poder Ejecutivo – Definición de Poder Ejecutivo, Concepto de Poder Ejecutivo, Significado de Poder Ejecutivo

1. Concept of executive branch

Within political theory of the division of powers, which establishes that a Government is composed of three parts (the Executive, the legislative and the judiciary), the Executive power is often seen as the predominant since it is who is in charge of decision-making and administration of the Government in economic, social, educational, political, etc. The Executive power is perhaps the three powers which always existed and in most of the companies since in other words we are referring to who is responsible for the mandate to govern. At other times the Executive branch was represented by monarchs, Princes, tyrants, Governors and other forms of mandated that, depending on its particular style, exercising the power in their own way, more or less wisely.
Today the Executive Branch is in most companies one of the three powers, responsible for Administration of the region and decision making on different issues concerning society that touches him to govern. The Executive Branch tends to be normally considered wrongly as more powerful than the other two branches but in effect the three powers are as important to the Government of a society and the three should control themselves. In many cases, the immense power of a President has made to democratic systems to become presidential systems in which all power is concentrated in this figure and the rest of the democratic and political institutions lose much value.
Both the President and the Vice-President of the Executive are elected according to the rules and regulations of each region. This power is usually last between two and six years and during them the President becomes the President. The Ministers who are not elected by the people and that should follow the ideas, projects and measures that the President set will be in charge. The President or head of the Executive Branch also has incumbency on some issues of the legislative power. Thus, when a law has been approved by both chambers of the legislature, the President may have the possibility of enacting it or veto it should it thus considers it necessary.

2. Definition of executive branch

The Executive power is the one who is in charge of the political and administrative functions of a State, sharing the command with the legislative and judicial branches, his organization still different parliamentarians regarding the presidencialistas systems.
In the first, emerged in England in the late medieval period, differ, the head of State, with specific limited functions, carried out in Germany by an official named Chancellor and in Spain of the President of the Government or the head of Government, generally exercised by a Cabinet, headed by a Prime Minister (in England or Italy); whose policy must be coincident with the members of the Parliament, a body that elects it (the Executive is not elected by the people) and controls, because otherwise by a majority of them can do to resign or be dismissed, if you lose your confidence. Also can the Executive to dissolve Parliament. They have this system in addition to England; Spain, whose head of State is also a King, and Italy and Germany, whose head of State is a President because they are not monarchies and republics.
In presidential systems, the model of which is the United States the positions of head of State and of Government are concentrated in the President of the Republic, unless the Congress can dismiss them, neither nor the President dissolve the Congress. In general the Office of President is exercised by one person and is appointed in popular elections.
The French system combines both, which may be called mixed or semi presidential, exercised by a President emerged from the will of the people and a Prime Minister who is appointed by the Parliament, with dual authority.

3. Meaning of executive branch

A State has three essential faculties: legislate, administer justice and implement public policies. Why they say that the State can be divided into three powers that are exercised by various institutions and bodies: the legislature, the judiciary and the Executive.
In this opportunity we will focus in the Executive Branch, whose function is to ensure compliance with the laws developed through the legislature and administered according to the judiciary. The Executive, in other words, is linked to the State performance management in day to day.
When the concept refers to the State faculty in general, written with lower-case initials (Executive power). On the other hand, the notion mentioned State body exercising this power, they should be included capital letters at the beginning of each word (Executive Branch).
The Executive power of a democratic State lies with officials elected through the popular vote. The elections allowed the population to choose people who will act as their representatives in the decision-making concerning the society in general.
According to the system in question, the Executive Branch is headed by a President, a head of Government or a Prime Minister. This President is usually have the power to choose his ministers and Secretaries, acting in a particular area (taking care of what concerns the economy, health, tourism, etc.).
It is important to highlight that the functioning of the Executive Branch, the legislative branch and the Judicial Branch is interdependent: a power can not pass over another. The coordinated operation of the three powers is established by the Constitution of each State.