What is the meaning of Habit? Concept and Definition of Habit

Definition, Concept, Meaning, What is Habit

Concepto de Hábito

1. Concept of habit

It is called a habit to all conduct that is repeated in the time in a systematic way. It should be clear that a habit is not a mere diligent conduct, but must be of a degree of regularity which confuses with the life of the individual who holds it. By extension, it is often called habit by the way of life of the priests.
All people have rooted a series of habits that have significant influence in their lives, up to the point determine the successes and failures of various activities. Therefore, that it is very important to draw attention to recurring attitudes that have been incorporated. Many of these are completely unaware, so some degree of introspection is needed to identify them. Most, however, can grasp easily, although it is difficult to both incorporate a how to remove it if necessary.
Good habits are those that direct personal existence to objectives that enhance the quality of life. They should be determined depending on the satisfaction to generate to who owns them. So, please sample the habit of being informed, to educate themselves, exercising, maintaining hygiene, etc.
On the other hand, bad habits have negative implications for our lives, to be source of dissatisfaction. Some of them are notoriously damaging and difficult to remove. You can put sample over idleness, the waste of money, smoking, drinking in excess, etc. Many of these behaviors it comes to be called vices.
Finally note that the responsibility for the habits that are may be limited. In fact many of them are incorporated in infancy or in early ages, when you still have a clear idea of its consequences. It can also happen that both the good and the bad are procured by the external environment, such as for example the family influence. Either way, it is always important to pay attention to them for use on our behalf.

2. Definition of habit

The term habit accepts various applications which relate to different issues depending on the context in which it is used.
One of the most widespread uses of the term is one that says that habit is a dress or suit they wear the members of a corporation, whether military or religious. For example, the clothing carrying sunset priests and nuns are known as habits, hence popularly is saying, when someone resigns for any reason to religious career, which has stopped or hung habits.
Also, a habit turns out to be the logo with which are usually distinguished to some military orders and hence the name given to each of these.
On the other hand, at the behest of the geology, referred to as crystal habit to the outside appearance that presents a mineral, which in more formal words, would be something like the macroscopic appearance that has a mineral, which by the way, will directly depend on the environmental conditions that persisted while the same was formed.
Meanwhile, for Botany, the habit will be something totally different to the above, because in this context, a habit will be the general form that presents a plant, which will depend on issues such as the length of the stem, the pattern of branching, the texture, the development, among others, and can then distinguish between vines, herbs, vine, shrub or tree.
Another highly extended use of the term says that habit refers to the special mode of conduct that States a person and it is the consequence of the repetition of the same or similar acts either are caused by instinctive type tendencies.
According to psychology, focusing on its study, a habit is that behavior that is repeated and repeated in time and which involves a very small or no reasoning to be carried out.
There are habits that are part of our everyday lives such as the shower and washing our teeth before we go to sleep, although there are some which may be widely damaging to health because they involve mental processes that lead to behavioral inflexibility. In this case, we include the dependence on certain drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, among others, certainly flowing into the habit of those who consume them.
More suitable for someone who expresses a harmful habit is to break it and this will be achieved, either repeating the behavior until it becomes if same unpleasant, or failing that separating the individual of that stimulus which induces it to incorrect or harmful conduct.

3 Meaning of habit

The word habit, derived in its etymology from the latin "habitus" which means "stained", because it is the participle of the verb to have, "habere" in latin". Applies on the one hand to a typical, used clothing always, as for example the of priests, from there the saying that the habit does not conform the figure of the monk. Abandon the habits applies to the case of those who have devoted themselves as religious, and resume for any reason, civilian life.
In psychology the habit is the repetition of behaviors that makes a subject, which then allow you to automizarlas, and although they are generally learned behaviors (although there is an innate predisposition towards them, or are they acquired by imitation of others in the environment) once installed, they appear in the subject in a natural way and form part of his personality.
Habits can be good, and in this case arise as virtues, for example: the habit of study, personal hygiene habit, the habit of the order or the habit of reading.
Some have issue not only to spiritual or cultural, but physical, and good eating habits and the sports level.
Other habits are considered socially bad and therefore vicious, as the habit of stealing, the habit of lying, smoking, or drinking alcohol.
There are individual habits, as people have mentioned, and other social, society tries to impose on its members for better coexistence: greet habit, the habit of punctuality or the respect social and legal norms or rules.

4 Synonym for habit

We refer to a habit when we refer to an act we take custom, it is an action that someone is so many times that "becomes a habit for her" habits are usually simple movements of people to complement your life moments and functions, many times a habit can be distracting to the user, "It's natural to see Marquez Lady feeding pigeons every day in the square when it goes to the bakery to buy bread and juice," are customs of being human that they adapt to the environment that surrounds them. Habits can be correspondents from a hobby, which arrives into obsession in certain cases.
From a more psychological point of view, we can say that the human being is capable of get used to an action, to the point needed to be nice to yourself. It happens as in the following example, "the teacher Laura when you travel to spend a vacation with his son outside the city, a week strange coffee on your desk, because for her, for so many years is a common habit and part of the daily routine of work and other functions. When someone changes an object which is used to use it, will automatically feel uncomfortable with what's new, since this thing that replacement, adapted to your needs and tastes, it has passed all that what we change our beds mattress, the rigidity of the new makes us wonder the old whose shape conforms to the body.
When the human being feels comfortable, you will not have qualms in continue to enjoy that comfort, emotional habits for example, if a person feels comfortable with again, born feelings to the point that it will share with these time that is available, will be a habit living with that person, the same goes for the moral habits, human behaviour is based on principles grounded in the societydo good, or do evil, is without any problems might be common among them.