What is the meaning of Plague? Concept and Definition of Plague

Plague – Its Definition and Concepts 

Concepto de Plaga

1. Concept of plague

Traditional and originally the word plague was used to refer to any kind of animal that caused severe damage to crops. Meanwhile, at present, although even though of course it is still used to refer to the above situation, the word is also used as synonym for the term disease.
Then, in this other sense of the word, a plague will be called to the situation in which an animal generates economic and physical damage to the interests of persons such as your health, cultivated plantations has, their pets, their natural environments, among others.
I.e., the disease will not be virus or bacteria, but more well the situation in which a living organism causes physiological changes in another living being.
Meanwhile, it is important to separate the idea of plague of animal species that causes it, for example, because it may be that an animal, a species, is crucial to the ecosystem of a place, however, wreak havoc on another, then, in this sense the plague will not be the animal, the species itself, but the situation that causes it.
We can find the following types of pests; plagues of locusts, forest pests, plagues medical and agricultural pests.
In the specific context of agriculture, shall be deemed plague any animal, microorganism, plant, among others, who has a direct negative impact on agricultural production. Normally, pests, proliferate if you have consistent food, a situation that is almost regular and common since it is one of the measures that the producers implement to increase the productivity of crops, then indirectly creating a favourable scenario for pests.
Another use that presents the term plague is to refer the enormous calamity that can invade a town. Alcoholism is one of the most persistent pests in our culture.
On the other hand, when you want to give an account of important wealth of things and people is often used the word plague. A plague of tourists invaded the beaches this summer.

2 Meaning of plague

He is known as a pest to the sudden and massive irruption of insects, animals or other organisms of the same species that causes different types of damages. The concept, however, can be understood in different ways.
Red spider, Ant, and the aphid are pests that can affect plants. When they occur on a large scale and affect crops, this type of pest can destroy entire harvests and prevent the normal development of agriculture. To prevent a plague affecting a plant, it is necessary to resort to pesticides, which are substances that away or delete members of the pest species.
You can also be called as a pest to the progress of a disease in a region. A bacterium or a virus infecting one increasing number of people in a city or a country can cause a plague. It is possible to read, in this sense, that Europe suffered the consequences of the black plague (black death) in the 14th century.
In some areas it is even of human plague to refer to the negative consequences of overpopulation on the planet. The number of people, linked to consumer trends, make human beings act as a pest and cause serious damage to the environment.
In a symbolic sense, you can ultimately qualify as plague to a catastrophe or a tragedy affecting a population or territory. For example: "unemployment is a difficult to combat pest", "the kidnapping has become a scourge for this city".

3. Definition and what is plague

The word derives from the same Latin term pest and has two meanings: A geographic, as space on land, climate of the place and direction or course, to apply for example to refer to the four cardinal points; and another meaning, is it sore, meaning a grave calamity that strikes a population, caused for example by epidemic diseases.
Biblically in the book of Exodus tells that God punished the Egyptians with ten plagues the not wanting to liberate the Jews from their slavery. They were great calamities that struck the Egyptian people successively: the Nile River became a river of blood, then it was flooded the territory with frogs, a posteriori of insects, after wild animals, pests, rashes, storms, locusts, elimination of light, and death of the firstborn.
By extension and most commonly applies to the abundance of something, especially of the harmful animal or vegetable, considered realm, for example when it says: "lobsters have become a plague, as quantity cause serious damage to agriculture". It therefore relates the concept of pest damage, whether ecological or economic, and number of individuals that produce them. Well-known pests are bacteria, mice, fungi and insects.
However there are pests that have positive effects in certain places, although they can be disastrous in other contexts. Thus, for example, damaging rabbit for Australians in vital for the ecosystem of the Mediterranean area.