What is the meaning of Revenge? Concept and Definition of Revenge

Definition, Concept, Meaning, What is Revenge

Concepto de Venganza

1. Concept of revenge

That reprimand or retribution is exercised on a group of people, or on a single person, by any action that is perceived as bad or harmful, it is called revenge. It should be noted that while several aspects of it are linked to the concept of Justice, revenge tends to pursue a rather insulting end to repair. What be the revenge would be a kind of compensation for the grievance that has been received.
On the other hand, the desire for revenge is based on force to a person who has done something harmful to suffer the same pain that that person has caused. What many people are looking for through the revenge is trying to make sure that the person who has carried out some evil again commit such acts. For some specialists in psychological issues, revenge would be an act which, in a very high percentage of cases, causes pleasure in who carries it out. That happens because of the feeling of resentment that comes to cause the triggering factor. This you place then that the Avenger is usually immersed in feelings which combine grudge with hatred, and before that, the revenge emerges as a kind of relief.
In the field of philosophy, revenge is a topic that generates different positions and opinions. In certain societies, considered that the injury caused in a revenge should be higher than the injury that caused it, seeing it as a measure of punishment. Meanwhile, eye for an eye, philosophy that emerges from the old testament, is limit the damage allowed. Although in the Bible Jesus stated resistais that is bad; Anyone who strikes you on the right cheek, turn also the other. What I wanted with this phrase was to prevent a series of violent acts that might lose control.
On the other hand, the so-called vendettas would be premeditated, determined by revenge and actions carried out over a period of time by groups or families demanding justice. Indeed, in preindustrial societies have taken a leading role.
Synonym for revenge
According to narrated in the article recently narrated, synonyms of the term in question would be this: warning, adjustment, challenge, redress, retribution, vendetta, revenge, retaliation and compensation among others.

2 Meaning of revenge

Revenge is an action harmful addressed to a group or individual, in response to an action that was considered it wrong. Depending on the points of view, revenge can be considered as an altruistic action, which imposes moral justice in parallel to official justice systems.
Throughout history, revenge has been seen in different ways in different societies and contexts. For the medieval civilizations and some modern, for example, revenge must be represented in a larger or more damaging than the original action action. For others, revenge must only be equal in magnitude to the original action.
While revenge is a natural feeling, not all persons perform actions in revenge. Some psychologists believe that the vengeful people tend to be those that are motivated by power, authority and the desire to be recognized. They are people who feel easily humiliated and who don't want to feel that they are losing respect to others. The feeling of revenge, according to thinkers such as Martha Nussbaum, stems from the idea that human life is somewhat vulnerable, that can be easily invaded, violated and hurt.
In the literary and poetic language, revenge has given rise to a large number of stories and novels, reflected in works of world class as Hamlet by William Shakespeare and the count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas. In addition, literature is which has left phrases such as the well-known "revenge is a dish served cold", which is attributed to the French diplomat Talleyrand, and expresses as revenge can be most satisfactory if it runs from unexpected and discreetly. In many literary works, the phrase is used to convince someone to wait long enough to take a decision for revenge with enough wisdom.

3. Definition and what is revenge

Revenge is a rebuke that is exerted on a person or a group of people for an action that is perceived as bad or harmful. The subject who feels affected decides to take revenge and specific a kind of repair for the damages. Revenge is compensation received tort.
In this way, revenge tries to resemble justice, though, usually its goal transcends the attention of repair. For example: If a man receives a kick, it is very likely want to take revenge with two kicks. In more complex examples, the Avenger will want to violate an exemplary punishment to the person who caused the original damage.
Despite the reprehensible that may be from the moral or ethical point of view, the revenge causes pleasure to the concrete, since the Avenger is usually immersed in feelings of hatred and resentment. Revenge, therefore, appears as a relief.
When revenge tries to be exemplary (i.e. the damage caused is greater than the original damage), there is a risk of entering a spiral of violence out of control. Therefore since Biblical times (book of exodus), it was attempted to fix a retributive justice with the lex talionis or law of retaliation, summed up in the statement "an eye for eye, tooth for a tooth".
In modern societies, revenge is not permitted nor shall be the law of retaliation. Justice is channelled through laws that attempt to be objective and promote social peace.