Blood in the stool, what do I do? ... feces, urine and health

Health and Wellness: Feces, urine and Health

  1. Blood in the stool, what do I do?
  2. stool. Palette health
  3. Urine. Odor, volume and frequency
  4. Urine and your health. Lee color
  5. stool. What characteristics reveal your health

Blood in the stool, what do I do?

See blood in the stool can impress, or even worry, anyone. However, the amount of blood is not always related to the importance of pathology. I explained the possible causes of anal bleeding and the procedure to be followed in each case.
• Blood in the stool: hemorrhoids
• Constipation and bleeding
• digestive diseases, other possible causes
• Colorectal cancer: Bleeding invisible to the human eye
• In any case, see your doctor
hemorrhoids, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer ... gives you this key symptom in no way be taken lightly.

Blood in the stool: hemorrhoids

Suffer from hemorrhoids is very common. It is the dilation of the veins of the anal area. They can be painful and can cause bleeding, but that does not mean it's a disease risk. " The bleedings may be abundant, but do not be alarmed because the amount of blood does not mean that the disease is severe, " said Dr. Jean François Rey, president of the Association of digestive diseases.
In case of hemorrhoids, the first thing you should do is consult your doctor. He will perform a local test, called anoscopy, and, if necessary, will prescribe a drug treatment. As a general rule, bleeding disappears within 48 hours.

Constipation and bleeding

The constipation may tear the mucosa and cause anal fissures, hence the blood in the stool. " Usually the doctor prescribes a cream applied locally in addition to analgesics, " explains Jean-François Rey.
In this case you also have to treat constipation following a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and not forgetting well hydrated. If necessary, you can also follow a specific treatment.

Digestive diseases, another possible cause

Rectocolitis hemorrhagic, the Crohn 's disease or ulcerative colitis also can be accompanied by bleeding and stool viscous. After confirming the diagnosis of one of these inflammatory diseases, medical follow - up is essential.
Finally, a person suffering from colic diverticulosis, a benign disease and very frequent after 60 years of age may also be accompanied by blood in the stool. In this case, it is advisable to follow a diet rich in fiber and bran.

Colorectal cancer: bleeding invisible to human eyes

In Spain, every year more than 25,000 diagnosed cases of colorectal cancer (colon and / or rectum), making it the second leading cause of cancer death. As always timely detection is essential and for this, we must undergo a review (every two years or so for people aged 50 to 74 years).
At first, diagnosis is performed with the aid of a test (Hemoccult) consisting detect bleeding in feces invisible to the human eye. The patient should apply some fragments of stool in a platelet subsequently analyzed in a laboratory. If the test is positive, ie, if the presence of blood is confirmed, the physician will send the patient to a gastroenterologist, who will perform a colonoscopy to check for polyps or cancer cells.
Please note: patients considered high risk (family history of colorectal cancer) undergoing colonoscopy directly.

In any case, see your doctor

Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, diseases of the digestive tract or colorectal cancer ... Whatever the cause of bleeding, the truth is that they are difficult to diagnose (unless they are hemorrhoids or constipation) and may be more or less severe. Only the doctor can make an accurate and reliable diagnosis, as well as prescribe the most appropriate treatment. So, if you see blood in your stool, you know: make an appointment with your GP!

stool. Palette health

The change in color of stool may indicate changes in our health. Often passenger and unimportant, sometimes it may indicate more serious problems.
• What is the stool?
• A healthier than other colors
• Different shades of red
foods, drinks and medicines but also bleeding in the digestive tract may alter the normal color of stool. To distinguish normal from abnormal, you must first become familiar with your own feces.

What is the stool?

The stool or fecal waste are formed in the digestive tract and are excreted through the rectum. Approximately 75% is water and the rest are dead and living bacteria, proteins, undigested food (fiber), food debris, cells, fat, salt and secreted by the intestines and liver substances. (1)

Some colors healthier than others

Range of brown . "All shades of brown and even green are considered normal. The color is determined by what you eat and the amount of bile" [the biliary excreted by the liver into the small intestine during the digestive process], explained in health portal of the Mayo Clinic. (2)
yellow or yellow brown . (1) It may be an infection caused by giardia or a disorder known as Gilbert 's syndrome bacteria. Giardia causes diarrhea yellowing. Gilbert's syndrome is characterized by excessive bilirubin in the bloodstream. Bilirubin is yellowish-orange and plenty of stools and yellowing skin.
Green . It is a sign that "food passes through the large intestine very rapidly, for example due to diarrhea. As a result, bile does not have time to completely degrade", explained on the website of the Mayo Clinic. (2) Other factors that may color the stools are green leafy vegetables. green food dye and supplements iron.
White : According to the Mayo Clinic, (4) "stool white are not normal and should be promptly evaluated by a physician The reason is lack of bile, which could indicate a disorder in the liver or gallbladder. ". Barium substances ingested for x-intestinal tract can also whiten feces (4) as liver diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis . In the latter case, sometimes the problem is not in the liver but in the tubes that carry bile to the intestine. Antacids can also whiten the stool.

Different shades of red

The red color may indicate the presence of blood. This may be due to bleeding anywhere in the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus. (5)
almost black red . The dark red or black stools usually indicate that bleeding is located in the upper part of the digestive system: esophagus, stomach and the first part of the small intestine. (5) The causes may be, among others, ulcers stomach or duodenal ulcers, gastritis or varicose veins in the esophagus or stomach. (5) This blood resembles tar after having circulated through the digestive apparatus and have been exposed to various digestive juices from the intestines. (5) Other causes may ingest food dyes, iron supplements and black licorice.
Bright red or brownish . "Bleeding is located in the latter part of the intestinal tract such as the small intestine or rectum, often caused by hemorrhoids, " according to the Mayo Clinic. (2) also it can be caused by damage to the sphincter due to the pressure of hard stools that pressure and stretch. (3) Other causes include polyps in the intestine, bowel cancer, diverticulosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or intestinal infections. (5) In other cases the deep red can result from rapid and massive bleeding in the stomach. (5) Another reason may be the consumption of beets, tomatoes, cranberries or foods with dyes, iron supplements and medications with bismuth. (5) If notice blood in the stool you should consult your doctor immediately to locate the cause of bleeding and treat it promptly.

Urine. Odor, volume and frequency

Pay attention to the smell and volume of urine and how often you go to the bathroom. Notes to learn more about your health.
• What factors influence the smell of urine?
• The smells of urine
• What volume of urine is removed each day?
• Why do I feel the urge to urinate?
• drink a lot but little orino
• How does the habit of urinary retention hold it in?

What factors influence the smell of urine?

The urine odor is related to the volume and concentration and variety of chemicals excreted by the kidneys. Normally, the diluted urine of a healthy person has a mild odor. Changes in odor are usually temporary and do not have to be a symptom of disease (1). As in the case of color, certain foods and medicines, including vitamins, can affect the smell.

The smells of urine

A strong smelling urine or acre may be due to the presence of bacteria such as those that cause urinary tract infections. Sweet smelling urine can be a sign of diabetes uncontrolled or a metabolic disease. The musty smell may indicate liver failure. Certain foods, such as asparagus, asparagine containing the amino acid, can change the smell of urine but not all people-. Ammonia odor may signal dehydration (2). Other reasons for changing urine odor (3) are ketoacidosis (high ketones in the urine), kidney infection, cystitis (bladder inflammation), fistula rectovaginal (abnormal connection between the vagina and rectum) or supplements vitamin B .

What volume of urine is removed each day?

Adults eliminate about a quart and a half of daily urine (4). This amount depends on factors like the amount of fluid and food a person eats and how much fluid you lose in sweat and breathe. There are drugs and substances that affect the amount of urine the body retains and deletes.

Why do I feel the urge to urinate?

The urgency in urination, when the ratio is no increase in the amount of fluid intake may result from overactiva bladder (involuntary contractions of the bladder muscle); urinary tract infection; cystitis (inflammation of the lining of the bladder); enlarged prostate, neurological diseases and diabetes (1).

I drink a lot but little orino

The reason may be a blockage or infection. Urinary retention or difficulty in emptying the bladder, is a common urological problem with many possible causes. Urinary retention there is an abnormal storage of urine in the bladder. Urinary retention can be acute or chronic. In the first case there is a sudden inability to urinate causing pain and discomfort. The causes may be an obstruction in the urinary tract, stress or neurological problems. Chronic urinary retention refers to the presence of urine in the bladder after incomplete emptying. Common causes of chronic urinary retention are failure bladder muscles, nerve damage or obstruction of the urinary tract. It can also be caused by bad habits, and hold it (4).

How does the habit of urinary retention hold it in?

Adopt the habit to hold urine when urination ends feel for making the bladder muscles lose elasticity. A dilating force and remain so longer than usual loses the ability to contract. A bladder distention suffering can not be completely emptied. And so the problem becomes chronic. (1)

Orino little and have a fever and dizziness ...

If removed less than half a liter of urine in 24 hours (oliguria) must consult with your doctor, because in some cases you can treat symptoms of a disorder capable of endangering life. Possible causes are (5) blood loss, dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea, the effect of certain medications, severe infection, acute kidney disease or urinary tract blockage.

When should I consult a doctor?

Changing color, odor or urine volume may be temporary and not have major consequences. But if they continue or are acute alterations it is essential to consult with your doctor.

Urine and your health. Lee color

Food, medicine and health problems can change the color of urine. Discover what hides your paddle to not worry in vain or neglect problems requiring attention.
• What is urine?
• What is the role of urine?
• What is the normal color of urine?
• What factors influence the change of color and smell of urine?
• What foods and drugs affect the color of urine?
• Are the color changes warn of disease?
• What health problems manifest themselves with blood in the urine?
• When should I consult a doctor?

What is urine?

Urine is a clear, yellowish liquid that produce the kidneys to filter waste and excess water from the blood.

What is the function of urine?

Among the most important is the elimination of toxic substances, both produced by cellular metabolism (urea), as ingested toxins (drugs). Urine is eliminated from the body through the urinary tract.

What is the normal color of urine?

The urine color due to the presence of a yellow pigment called urochrome. The urine color varies from pale to dark amber, yellow depending on its concentration. Dark urine, pulling amber may indicate that it is not drinking enough. When abundant liquid drink or taking diuretics, urine is pale yellow. (1)

What factors influence the change of color and smell of urine?

Changes can be produced by food, beverage, or medication or may be due to health problems.

What foods and drugs affect the color of urine?

• Reddish or pink: Foods such as beets, blackberries, blueberries, red beans, aloe vera or rhubarb. Medications, senna leaves (laxative), chlorpromazine or thioridazine.
• Brown or amber: Foods such as red beans, aloe and rhubarb. Drugs like chloroquine, primaquine or nitrofurantoin.
• Orange: with or juice and vitamin C. Drugs like rifampin, warfarin or penazopridina carrots. Certain drugs used in chemotherapy.
• Intense yellow, fluorescent: B vitamins
• Green or blue: food colorings. Drugs such as amitriptyline, indomethacin, cimetidine, promethazine or propofol.

Are color changes warn of disease?

• Brown: The brown color in a crystal urine is a sign of liver disease such as acute virósica hepatitis or cirrhosis, excess bilirubin in urine. (4).
• Green: Urinary tract infections caused by pseudomonas bacteria.
• Turbia: Urinary tract infections or kidney stones.
• Lechosa: sign of urinary tract infection, usually accompanied by a foul odor. Milky urine can be caused by bacteria, crystals, fat, white or red blood cells or mucus. (4).
• Red or pink: Discarded medication or a diet of beetroot, the reddish color of urine may indicate the presence of blood (hematuria). (3) This may be a sign of a health problem benign or something more serious.

What health problems manifest themselves with blood in the urine?

• Urinary tract infections that cause bleeding, such as cystitis . The infection can be localized in the bladder, kidney, prostate or urethra. Besides being more or less intense reddish color, depending on the amount of blood, urine tends to be murky and often smell strong. In urinary tract infections are the most common symptoms besides frequently urination intense heat sensation during urination, and abdominal pain (3).
Kidney stones (kidney stones): Blood may appear irritation of the ureter, the tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The stones can cause severe pain in the back or sides, as well as fever with chills and vomiting (3). Gallstones form in the kidneys and can be found anywhere in the urinary tract. Their size varies. Kidney stones affect men more than women (2).
• Other diseases that cause blood in the urine enlarged prostate, kidney tumors or bladder, tuberculosis, bladder stones, kidney infection or kidney cancer (4).
• Accidents, serious falls, violent exercise: can injure the upper or lower urinary tract or bladder damage. (3)

When should I consult a doctor?

Changing color, odor or urine volume may be temporary and not have major consequences. But if alterations is essential to continue to consult with your doctor.

stool. What characteristics reveal your health

The smell, size and stool consistency and frequency of bowel movements reveal our overall health and in particular the digestive system. Observe, learn and prevent.
• Odor
• Size
• Consistency
• Frequency
• Table Bristol Stool
Regarding stool there are variations that are considered normal and others that could indicate health problems. As with their color ( fecal matter. Decipher your palette ), it is important to know what is normal and what deserves a consultation with the doctor.


The bacteria present in feces produce gases and odors. The smell varies depending on what you eat and drink. This will be more intense the more artificial flavors and chemicals containing our meals and drinks (1). Dr. Mercola reports the health on its website, "the stinking stools may be related to a number of health problems, such as malabsorption disorders, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, chronic pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis ." (2)


• Diameter: What the narrow stools mean?
Narrow stools usually do not indicate a problem. However, when tuning to resemble a pen or take the form of a tape, may indicate narrowing or blockage of the colon due to a tumor or colon cancer . People suffering from IBS with alternating diarrhea and constipation can sometimes make narrow stool. (3) The very wide stools may indicate a lack of muscle tone of the colon due to lack of exercise, poor absorption of minerals or a diet low in fiber. (4) According to Dr. Mercola, the ideal diameter is 2.5 cm to 5 cm. (2)
• Largo.
"Healthy feces are about 30 cm long. If you are shorter may mean that the colon does not correctly process food and feces do not have enough moisture, " explains therapist colonics (colonics), Danielle Allen. (4)


• stools with mucus. (5) A small amount of mucus in the stool is considered normal. (Mucus is a gelatinous substance manufactured bowel wall to maintain moist and lubricated colon). Regular presence of excessive mucus and especially if accompanied by bleeding or change in bowel habits, it may be an alarm signal. The presence of mucus may be due to an intestinal infection (which causes diarrhea) or have more serious causes, such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or even cancer .
• floating stools. (4) In healthy stool, a fleet half and sinks. Feces floating may contain undigested fat or excess gas by fermentation. Faeces contain minerals sink completely undigested or too compacted retention and lack of moisture.
• Feces with pieces of food. When food pieces appear it means that these have not been digested, ie, that the body has not absorbed. Many foods we eat, as certain types of fibers are not absorbed. (1) The presence of undigested food pieces is not a concern unless it is accompanied by diarrhea, weight loss or spontaneous changes in bowel habits. (6) Should this happen it is advisable to consult your doctor.


• Constipation. (7) defined by difficult bowel movements, hard stools that require a great effort to be eliminated. The lower frequency is one of its symptoms. It should be noted that the concept of bowel regularity varies in each person: what is regular for constipation can be for another. "Three bowel movements per day or per week is considered normal, says Dr. Mercola in his health portal. More important than the frequency is the ease with which the intestine moves. Defecar should not require more effort to urinate or pass gas", Add. What factors affect bowel regularity? Diet, travel, certain medications, hormonal fluctuations, changes in sleep patterns, reduced physical activity, illness, surgery, work childbirth or stress, among others. (7) Constipation untreated can lead to impaction and faecalomas formation.
• Diarrhea. There is talk of diarrhea when bowel movements are very frequent -Several the day- and the stool is liquid. This occurs when the digestive system has not had time to absorb the fluids present in the stool. (8) The average it takes the body to convert food into stool is 18 to 72 hours. (7) Possible causes of diarrhea include bacteria present in contaminated food or water, parasites, drugs, problems digesting certain foods or diseases of the stomach or intestines (Crohn 's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease) (8) .

Table Bristol Stool

Table Bristol stool stool classified into seven types. Each of these types depends on how long the stool has remained in the colon. Once the stool reaches the toilet, what you see is the result of diet, fluid intake, medications and lifestyle. The most important thing when a bowel movement is that stools soft and pass effortlessly. Ideal stool are numbered 3 and 4 in the table of Bristol.
This table stool Bristol was developed by Heaton and Lewis at the University of Bristol, UK, and first published in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology in 1997.
• Types 1 and 2 indicate constipation
• Types 3 and 4 are ideal stool
• Types 5 and 6 may indicate diarrhea and urgency.
• Type 7 indicates diarrhea