What is the meaning of Belief? Concept and Definition of Belief

Definition of belief

Creencia: Definición, Concepto, Significado, Qué es Creencia

1. Meaning of belief

A belief is the conviction of certainty that some presents for someone, whether corroborated or not, scientifically. Often relies on Visual experiences "seeing is believing" as believing that there are animals or plants or the things of the outside world because I perceive them with the sense of sight, and disbelieve things that may not be as such, God. Others instead believe even in what cannot see or verify scientifically, and based it on an act of faith, as in religions.
There are beliefs that scientific research has banished in its validity, as for example, the of the ancient, who considered the stars as gods.
Belief in extraterrestrial beings is shared by many people, which are based on experiences and others strictly refuse these life forms.
Those who believe, rightly or not, defends his conviction, because it believes that it is real and true. Beliefs can be shared by a group or individual. In general they are culturally constructed, and are transmitted from generation to generation. Parents talk with their children by exerting influence on value, religious, political or social beliefs. Teachers continue this practice.
Scientific beliefs are expressed through assumptions, that confirmed they become laws, and its credibility will be not objected until proven otherwise.
There are negative beliefs underlying prejudices, which are value judgments unfounded and usually negative, about something or someone, based on generalizations, without evidence in this regard.
There are closed beliefs that do not support a contrary opinion, and constitute only holders of the truth; and others open, subject to debate and criticism and that they can be modified.
Beliefs are part of the individual personality and also feature a group or society that are shared.
Belief in oneself is the confidence that you have in own abilities and accuses the self-esteem.

2. What is belief

The belief is full compliance with any event or fact. Is trafficking in the State in which a person gives by true any knowledge that possess about anything, regardless of whether it is or not supported by logical or sensible arguments.
The epistemologists, that are those who study belief and knowledge from a philosophical perspective, distinguish beliefs between those which, for being real and having a logical justification, are knowledge, and those that are just the opposite. For example, someone who firmly believed that the Earth was flat, believed it but did not know it, so your belief could not be classified as knowledge.
Psychology treats belief as one of the simplest forms of mental representation, which makes them one of the fundamental pillars of conscious thought. The scholars are usually divided beliefs in two other types: the fundamentals, which are intended by the subject in an active way, and those that arise even if the subject has never before thought about them. For example, if you ask the guy something like "Do believe that elephants could ride a bicycle?", the person could answer that not despite of that never before had been thinking about the topic.
There is a debate regarding as formed and held beliefs. Many psychologists agree that a fundamental stage for its formation are the first years of life. For example, religion tends to be adopdata in the child by the parents, and the political position is usually the predominant in the inner circle. On the other hand, things like advertising can radically change the beliefs of a person regarding topics such as sex, love and beauty thanks to the constant repetition of messages.