What is the meaning of Criterion? Concept and Definition of Criterion

Definition of criteria

Criterio: Definición, Concepto, Significado, Qué es Criterio

1. Concept of criterion

The term criterion derives from a Greek word meaning "judge". The criterion is the judgement or discernment of a person. For example: "In my opinion, the referee should have punished missing against the goalkeeper", "the artistic criteria of these controversial works is questioned by many people".
The criterion, therefore, is a kind of subjective condition which allows you to make a choice. It is, in short, of that which sustains a value judgement.
The same situation can be understood in different ways according to the criteria. If a mother slaps his son when this disobey it, some people will agree and others will condemn the action. According to the criteria of the first group, the slap is a punishment that serves as a lesson and improve the child's behaviour. Those who are not in favour, on the other hand, will have a different approach to believe that physical punishment is never positive.
A criterion is also a requirement that must be respected to achieve a certain goal or fulfill a need. Textuality criteria point out rules that must be met to consider a set of prayers is a text. These criteria are the acceptability, cohesion, coherence, informativity, intentionality, intertextuality and the situationality. This means that if several sentences or paragraphs appear in the same context and meet these criteria, the content can be considered a text. Otherwise, it can be words or phrases isolated that are meaningless as a unit.

2. Meaning of criterion

From the Greek "kritherion", the word criterion that involves judging, alluded to in principle to the judicial function. It is judged in general, and not only in the field of Justice, according to objective and subjective valuations that do not always coincide with the truth. They are logical regulatory guidelines that allow someone take coherent decisions or issue reasoned opinions. It is also used for the purposes of classifying things according to certain characteristics of the object under consideration.
In the courts of Justice, the judge must conform to the facts and law, but your own opinion or criteria also account, then it will be he who will evaluate the evidence and will interpret the rules according to their personal conviction or criterion.
A person endowed with criteria or judicious, is one that can freely decide according to an evaluative framework formed by his own moral code and taking into account the social and legal standards that involve it. A man or woman discerning assume a position towards life, critical thinking that will allow them to decide what is right or wrong, just right the unjust, the demagogic of the real deal.
The criterion is a way of acting or thinking, lean to life and through it according to a path traced thoroughly.
We also said that the criteria are used to classify things. Thus we can say that a discretion things are grouped by their similarities or differences, its function, or because of its economic importance, etc., attending a common distinctive feature between the subjects or objects that will try to grouped into such categories.

3. What criteria

The criterion is the standard, rule, or guideline, that a determined person will continue to learn about the truth or falsity of a thing or matter. For example, in the event I have me carry out my new home decor, I decide to choose as a rule or guideline to carry out it a historical question, i.e. I lead you by patterns prevailing in decoration in certain time, such as the Decade of the forties. Then, take out the decoration strictly following the proposals and seeking the most characteristic representatives: desks, beds, armchairs, tables, etc.
The criterion, then, and above all, must be conceived as ability or faculty which we have human beings, without exception; the thing then goes through those who decide to use it, put it into practice go molding it with running of the time and experiences and that allows us to, on the one hand, understand things and at the same time form us an opinion about those same things.
And as it happens with the personality or character, the criterion, when it must be applied, not in a matter so trivial or frivolous as that mentioned the decoration of a House, but those inherent morality, depends largely on the teachings and experiences of the person which are ultimately which also contributed to its formation.
Thus, the moral criterion constitutes a real axis for the correct disposal of society, as it is considered the real Foundation, on many occasions, of the laws and the legal system of a State or a nation. The lack of uniformity of approach favours the emergence of contradictions and misrepresentations. Thus, if a country's Constitution enabled the free movement of its citizens within its borders, factors that impede the regulated exercise of that right not can be backed by other regulations of less hierarchy, since they would enter into contradiction due to different criteria.
On the other hand, the application of criteria represents a widely used resource currently in the health sciences. Some diseases very complex or highly variable symptoms among different patients are real challenges for diagnosis. Therefore, consensus of experts from all the world are proposed real diagnostic criteria, to be carried out at a minimum rate to consider that the disease is present. A good example is the irritable bowel syndrome, still popularly called "irritable", in which demonstrations are very versatile; to this end, a group of researchers gathered in Rome proposed "criteria" to define the condition. After successive modifications and improvements, today known as Rome III criteria.
In the same way, the plastic interpretation of the rules of a sport depends on personal and instantaneous criterion of judges. This is what happens with contact the ball with the hand of the players, in which the arbitrator should apply its criteria to conceive if it's an intentional act (in consequence, to be punished) or good of a queued-made product of random movement.
As we see, the criteria appears in the life of every day, in varied and striking forms, so it is not surprising this great breadth of ideas in defining it.