What is the meaning of Release? Concept and Definition of Release

Definition of release


1. Concept of liberation

The word release presents an often used in our language, which usually occurs in two ways.
On the one hand, appoints the action to release something, or put someone who were in situation of confinement or imprisonment, then, with the action of the release effectively at disposal of its freedom. Meanwhile, freedom is that faculty, capacity that we are human beings or other entity, act according to the will and wishes.
Then, who has freedom is not under any kind of pressure or impediment to act under their own inclinations, and so that is completely free to choose or reject such or which option. Conversely, who Yes is under coercion of any type, not you can move completely freely and according to their decisions, unless the release to take place that what does is precisely a coto, an end point, the experienced limitation, obtaining again the freedom of action of which all individuals should be holders from the very moment of the birth.
It should be noted that the concepts of freedom and Liberation can also be used in relation to an institution, system, or organization.
On the other hand, the word liberation held in Europe after the end of the conflict known as the second world war a very special meaning, since it used to be called the end of the war and the consequent recovery of freedom by the Allied forces of those Nations and regions that had promptly been invaded by the Nazis and their allies.
Other application that supports the word release allows you to refer the cancellation of a mortgage and encumbrance which exist over real estate. So once an individual or company to carry out the release of its debt will be free of it and again good layout that was affected.

2. Meaning of liberation

From the latin liberatĭo, Liberation is the Act of release. For example: "the guerrilla group announced the imminent release of the Swiss hostage", "the liberation of the kidnapped businessman occurred after the payment of a ransom of half a million pesos", "Bolívar was a man who fought tirelessly for the release of South America".
The notion of freedom refers to the Faculty of the human being develop an action according to its own will. Freedom is often linked to other virtues, such as justice and equality.
The free person is not subject to the will of another in a coercive manner. The release, therefore, is put an end to coercion and restore freedom to the individual.
The concept of freedom can also apply to an organization or a system (such as a State or a nation). This means that the release reaches countries, villages, etc.
It is known as liberation theology to a stream of theology that arose in the Catholic Church at the end of the 1960's. This current linked to Marxism and considers the freedom of human beings who are oppressed by others.
Liberation, on the other hand, is the receipt given to a debtor when you pay and the cancellation or expiration of the charges levied on a building: "I am more relaxed: today the release of the Bank came to me, because I have no more debts", "the Government announced the release of charges for those homes built before 1960".

3. What is release

The release is the action and also the effect of release break the physical or psychological ties that will deprive a natural phenomenon, animal or human being of their ability to develop fully.
Examples: "the liberation of clouds, allowed to enjoy the Sun"; "came the release of routes, when protesters retreated to get answers to your claim"; "the release of pigeons in homeland celebration, was very emotional;" "the resignation of the dictator made that the people enjoyed a great deliverance"; "I feel a great release to pass the exam".
Slaves must support non-recognition of their freedom for many centuries, being a common practice since antiquity, where were not characterized by issues of race, but by being born slaves, being held captive by war or having committed a crime; Although in certain cases, by decision of the law, or by the will of the master through the Manumission could secure his release. In the 18th century there were many who advocated for the abolition of this macabre institution, already linked specifically to the black population, among them, John Wesley, Methodist Minister, and the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and although the release was achieved during the course of the 19th century, the unequal treatment as regards the white population, continued.
Known as liberation theology to the ideology that arose as a response to the oppression that existed, both among certain Christian groups in Latin America, since the 1970's, social, political and economic, the poor being the main objective of their struggle, seeing a way to find the release in faith.