What is the meaning of Assistance? Concept and Definition of Assistance

Definition, concept, meaning, what is assistance

Asistencia: Definición, Concepto, Significado, Qué es Asistencia

1. Concept of assistance

The Viewer is who appreciate a work or attend a show. By definition it is the subject that the author of a work constructed to make you appreciate it. The role of the spectator is predefined according to the of the author, however the subject that perceives the work in reality can not conform to what the author of the work expected.
In the theatre in particular, the Viewer is of fundamental importance not only as the recipient of the representation but also the privileged communication establishing between him and the actor on stage.
In a live show, the optimal condition for the success of the project is empathy between which acts and which look, making the person of the public to participate in the narrative.
According to Peter Brook, the spectator is one of the three strings that the actor must always remain balanced. Leaning in favor of the spectator makes predominant display of the theatrical aspect while a little attention to the recipient of the representation might make it weak and private meaningless, if not in the private development of those who run it.
The theatre of the 20th century has profoundly modified the classical conception of the Viewer. Seen in the past as a passive, which is important only because it was necessary for a representation (which is the recipient), several directors and authors have instead emphasized the importance of the same as an active element.

The spectator at the theatre

The evolution of the concept of Viewer in the live show has been developed while the dramaturgy and change mindsets theatre and therefore also of the scenic space: If until the 19th century the scenario embodied a different reality situation to try to imitate her, in the twentieth century the actors and the especadores often gather in the same space, as in Apocalypsis Cum Figuris of Jerzy Grotowsky, that neutralizes the separation of space by introducing the viewer in the representation or in some works of Pirandello, which makes start representation in the hall when the public expects to enter the room or often participate in the event in first person (worth as an example some performances of the Cirque du Soleil, leading viewers to answer direct questions of the actors).
In the theatre of varieties, and in cabaret and cafe singer, the Viewer is of vital importance for representation because it often decides the same result of the spectacle: free whistling, laughing, yelling, disconnected from the limits imposed by rigorous respect for the audience, modifies significantly the development of an event, becoming an active part of it.

2. Meaning of assistance

The term assistance is regularly used to refer to several issues that have little to do with each other, the crowd that was present in a certain place or event, to describe the aid, relief and favour a person, institution, or company offer to another person, society or community or in sport, especially in those sports which are practised a team, as be the basketball, soccer, volleyball, among others, to refer to the almost exact pass of a player to another and almost always by the accuracy issue ends up meaning the point or goal for the team.
In the latter case mentioned, sport, for example, in basketball or basketball, only the pass before that ball is introduced into the network will be as assistance, however, in hockey, there may be a few assists before that goal is marked. Usually, assists in basketball are received after a crash or at the so-called two defenders against the player who has very good technique and efficacy in their favor to score so many and that to provoke this situation leaves the way free another companion to both team make effective. In the case of soccer, known as attendance at the pass of the ball that is offered in the form prior to the conversion of a goal; Describes that there are players with great dexterity to become optimal asistidores, although in itself tend to make relatively few so many of its own factory.
On the other hand, and because of what you mentioned in the first paragraph, assistance can be a service that a person gives to another. Within this we can include what is known as a travel assistance and medical care. In the first case, the assistance shall be exercised by a team of professionals working 24 hours a day, for in most cases, insurance companies or companies that offer the service of management of assistance, whose main function will be the solve any problem or contingency that arises during a trip. The answers or more frequent services that typically provide these include: medical expenses due to emergency, legal assistance, funeral and sanitary repatriation and the location of luggage.
Meanwhile, medical or health care concerns prevention, diagnosis and treatment of any disease or condition through the attention of a doctor or nurse failing. But this not only covers the actual medical care and that can be found through a doctor's office or emergency room visit, but also includes vaccination campaigns against any disease in particular, which often promotes the State and can have as a hospital or be directly carried to remote villages of the planet Earth to let them know. The organisms most directed toward this form of assistance are the World Health Organization and doctors without borders.
Similarly, the impoverishment of many societies and peoples has motivated healthcare sole to be accompanied by other social aspects; so are numerous non-governmental organizations that are responsible for comprehensive assistance programs, in which, in addition to the health of the assisted, attempting to other benefits such as those related to the provided of clothes, food and even refuge to homeless individuals. In the same vein, assistance to populations displaced by internal or international armed conflicts is another area where multiple international organizations either social organizations are trying to solve, at least in part, the basic needs of the workers affected.
Finally, with the traditional concept of assistance is conceived from the presence of students or workers at its site of action. In many cases, perfect attendance is rewarded with economic compensation or formal recognition, as a symbol of compliance and effectiveness in educational or employment-related activities that have been assigned to that student or worker.

3. What is assistance

The notion of assistance has several uses. Usually it is associated to be present somewhere, as a class, an Act, an Assembly, etc. For example: "Dr. Lausseto confirmed their attendance at the Conference", "I'll take attendance and then explain the new theme, right?", "the school's Director awarded to four students for having perfect attendance throughout the school cycle".
Assistance, on the other hand, can be a help or cooperation provided to who is in trouble or need some support: "Thanks to the assistance of this entity, morning reinauguraremos infantile dining room", "Alicia, require your assistance to complete the report," "the police provided assistance to women to make childbirth without complications".
The term, in this sense, can be applied in various fields. So can we talk about legal aid (the legal advisors that provide lawyers to those who require support to be able to exercise their rights) or health care (the service being provided to prevent and treat diseases).
In sports which are played as a team, support is a pass that a member of a set makes another player and that allows you to get an annotation or both: "Manu Ginóbili defined the party with a double at the last second, after a great turnout of Frenchman Tony Parker", "Andrés Iniesta scored two goals and gave him assistance to Messi to Argentina will mark the third goal in the victory of FC Barcelona on the Málaga by three-nil".