Atlantis: The lost city

In search of the city lost of Atlantis:

It was a land highly productive fishery, blessed by a luxuriant vegetation and by the existence of valuable mineral deposits, including those of silver and gold. His people enjoyed a high scientific and cultural level. The name of that fabulous Kingdom with its big city is Atlantis.
The only description of Atlantis that has left us the old data and is the work of the Greek philosopher Plato in 347 BC. But even Plato is a first-hand witness; the philosopher did not do more to repeat the stories written by an Athenian traveller, Solon , who in turn repeated what had nest count Egyptian priests.
The story told by Plato indicates that Atlantis was a great nation, but which entered into a period of decline; his people, then fell into abominable forms of corruption and is poorly deserved a terrible punishment. "In a day and a night," the entire island, 560 km in width, was destroyed by a disaster of magnitude incomparably greater than all known.
The island was devastated by a volcanic explosion which was followed by a tsunami; in twenty-four hours, it disappeared under the sea. Plato was that tragic moment in the history of Atlantis in a period that we can today dating in 9600 before the Christian era.
This allow it to locate the island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean; but this theory, say geologists, is not correct, because there is no subject to have been ever Plato Island land mass in the bed of the Atlantic would mean that Plato used erroneous data?
Do or simply invented throughout history, as a moralistic fable? Everything seems to indicate that the epic narrative of Plato has solid tools in a historical reality, while its data about chronology and geography of Atlantis were erroneous. Either way, the lost island is an enigma that has intrigued people for centuries.
These are some of them: central Atlantic. Along the seabed of the North and South Atlantic, extends a vast dorsal in the form of 8, from Iceland to the island of Tristan da Cunhto. Some suggest that the highest of this mountain range, especially the around parts of the arc of the Azores, were ever above sea level, forming the land of Atlantis. North America.
Public interest in the lost Kingdom of Atlantis if it revived as soon as Cristóbal Colón returned to Europe with their story!, about the lands on the other side of the ocean. The English philosopher Francis Bacón closely related the legend and historical reality in his new Atlantis. For its part, the historian John Sevain wrote: «You can have that in America time formed part of the large region that Plato Wed Island Atlantis, and that the monarchs of that island maintained commercial relations with the peoples of Europe and Africa.»
Continental bridges. We have proposed various theories about continental bridges which, in ancient times, can have linked Africa to South America, or Europe - through the British Isles, Iceland and Orodrilandia - with North America. The Sargasso Sea. The Portuguese word sargoso designates a floating seaweed; these algae are, precisely, the Sargasso Sea. For a long time, the sailors believed that algae covered shoals; These could have been ever sunk Atlantis. But there is no shoals below you Sargasso: sea there is 456 meters average depth.
The Scilly Islands. Phoenician, Greek and Roman historians agree to refer to certain "islands of Tin", off the British coast. These islands actually exist, at the height of Cornwall, and constitute the only centers. But they don't have any kinship with the lush Island described by Plato.
Bimini. Cayce said that Atlantis was destroyed by an atomic explosion, since its inhabitants dominated the science of nuclear fission. The American Seer geographically placed Atlantis on the island of North Bimini, small Member of the Bahamas, and predicted that in 1968 or 1969 «some aspects of ancient temples could discover» of the lost civilization.
However, in 1968, a veteran zoologist and an expert diver American, Dr. j. Manson Valentine, discovered under the sea, at the height of the coast of North Bimini, a strange stone structure. The main around 600 kilometres long wall, was built of huge blocks of stone, of more than five meters square each.
Subsequent expeditions - and there were many - supported and, Alternatively, refuted the conclusions of Dr. Valentine. These conclusions, in essence, said that the stone structure was a port built by man. A new Atlantis has been discarded-»
However, the two last expeditions American to Bimini, made in 1975 and 1977, returned with findings that lead to very different conclusions. Nevertheless, the most likely place where perhaps ever ever Atlantis, among numerous sites that have been proposed, is not in the Caribbean. Currently, many archaeologists believe that Plato committed two errors in bulk, in its description of the lost island.
However, we now know that around that time the center of the island of Kalliste Minos - that is known today as Santorini and is half way between Crete and continental Greece - burst through the work of a volcanic eruption of incalculable destructive power. The crater opened in the middle of the island was immediately covered by the sea. Archaeologists excavating at present deposits of volcanic ash, 30 meters, covering what once was the fabulous island described by Plato.
The crater launched outdoor molten rock and threw up ash and pumice over the overcrowded vessels; people in boats, unable to escape, suffered one death slow, horrible, as the torrent of burning lava grew was unbreathable atmosphere. For some, the agony ended with the arrival of a gigantic wave, maybe 60 meters of height, that Sarrió island and destroyed boats.
The huge wave that travelled more than 240 kilometres per hour, soon reached Crete, heart of the Minoan Empire; the water swept all the cities and villages along the northern coast and destroyed the port that supplied the capital, Knossos. The rain of ash covered an area of more than 16,000 square kilometers. Today, when shown on maps with the name of Santorini, the island appears divided into fragments and desolate under a sterile layer of ashes; in reality, has become a group of small islands: the two main, Thesa and Therasia, is characterized by its inaccessible cliffs, 300 meters height; It is"divided by a waterway of twelve kilometers wide, in some sections is 300 meters deep.
The sea water has covered boiler, the heart of the dead volcano, formed when molten rock cooled and collapsed. They consist of black lava rocks, and of them lazy smoke columns rise: pale but threatening reminder of the cataclysm that destroyed perhaps the legendary Kingdom of Atlantis.
The Atlantis of Plato: A plain, reputed as the most beautiful and fertile of all the Plains it spread in the center of the island (Atlantis). Around the Hill, such as Medes of cano, appeared two rings of land, surrounded by three rings of sea. In the Centre of the Hill was located a sanctuary dedicated to Poseidon and Cleito; surrounding the Temple a wall of gold, which was forbidden to pass. All of this produced in abundance that; Holy Island, when he was still in the Sun.
Another temple dedicated to Poseidon, was made entirely of silver except the statues, which were gold. Two sources, a warm and one cold, provided unlimited amounts of water island; warm baths, intended for the Kings and commoners, women and horses had been built next to it.
In the outer rings of land settled shipyards and ports, surrounded by a dense wall of buildings, houses. Of this area, where he lived a very large population, there was a constant cacophony of voices and noises, during both day and overnight. Extended beyond the plains where it reached perfection these aromatic substances that also today produces the land and are now made of roots, and herbs of trees, flowers or fruits. All of this produced in abundance that; Holy Island, when he was still under the Sun. Critias and Timaeus, Plato

The resurgence of Atlantis

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) American healer and Seer prophesied in June of 1940 that Atlantis crippled soon: «Poseidia will be one of the first areas of Atlantis who moderated. He is expected to occur in 68 or 69. Not missing much.»
It came even to realize the site: in the Bahamas. By a remarkable coincidence, some fliers photographed in 1968 what appeared to be building sunk off the coast of North Bimini, in the Bahamas.
Underwater explorations have revealed the existence of rock formations similar to wide streets paved at the bottom of the sea, and also have been mentioned cyclopean walls, pyramids and stone circles. So far, there is no tangible proof of such descriptions.
By the way, is this a suitable area to find Atlantis. I have long believed that the Sargasso Sea, on the other side of the Bahamas, was the "innavegables shoals" that remained after the collapse of the Atlantis of Plato. But for centuries been also «Street» and «walls» submerged along the European Atlantic coast, as alleged evidence of the veracity of the legends about "sunken cities".
In fact, everything that looks like an artificial structure just being linked, sooner or later, with the idea of a 'sunken city'. The tremendous impact of the Atlantis of Plato has much to do in this regard.

Writer, researcher and American politician Ignatiys Donnelly (1831-1901) was, with more property than any other, who raised the interest by the their Atlantis work: the antidiluviano world, published in 188B, became the 'Bible' of all those who believed in the lost continent. The thesis of Donnelly seemed to explain mysteries such as the similarities between pre-Columbian cultures and the civilization of ancient Egypt, the mysterious migration of eels and the origins of the Basque people, Donnelly got triggered a controversy, so strong and lasting that only modern science and technology have been able to disprove many of their claims

Helena Blavatsky (1831-18911 Russian spiritualist and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, whom many consider a talkative. Her to his Court of occult Atlantis and Lemuria were well established facts.

Madame Blavatsky claimed that Atlantis was in the North Atlantic, and that its inhabitants were a very civilised race, the fourth "root race» of humanity descended from the lemurians. Current human beings would be the fifth "root race", that soon will evolve, by influence of the Americans, until sixth 1a "root race" originates. Over time the last will emerge in South America.

The American photographer Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), who became a healer, Prophet and visionary. In his frequent trances, she had dreams and visions of Atlantis and its advanced civilization.

Cayce believed that the Atlanteans had mastered nuclear power and flight, but its brilliant civilization ended up being destroyed in three nuclear catastrophes: the first 50,000 years BC and the latest, 10,000 BC, many Atlanteans who were able to warn; the catastrophe would have fled prior to Egypt and Central America.  

Source: Great Enigmas of Nigel Blundell-Wikipedia-dictionary Insolito-grandes adventures of man