What is the meaning of Council? Concept and Definition of Council

Definition, concept, meaning, what is Council


1. Concept of Council

General Council means to provide recommendation to someone to do something, don't do it or do it in a certain way. Counselors are naturally parents, friends, priests, professionals, lawyers, etc. Councils may or not be followed by your receiver.
The word Council comes from the latin "consilium" and means Council or Board, where several people meet split to express an opinion on what they believe should be or not to be in a specific issue. Councils in the villages of antiquity had advisory and consultative functions primarily for rulers. In Athens meeting of Council that ensured compliance with the laws as Areopagus. In Rome the Senate fulfilled function of Council, in the monarchist epoch.
The Council of five hundred as the Council of elders were French institutions created by the Constitution of the year III, with legislative functions, and also the last chose the members that would integrate the directory. They were taken in 1795 and dissolved by Napoleón Bonaparte.
Many countries throughout its history have had State Councils as Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Spain, Peru and Uruguay.
Guerra councils are legal and military institutions to understand causes of its competition, forming a Tribunal.
Currently the Council is part of many institutions, such as the so-called Board of Directors which are formed in the consortia's co-owners, who watch the Administration without decision-making power, and advise it.
The Council of Ministers is an inter-ministerial meeting where a State ministers gather to discuss issues of common interest.
In the Office (Clerk) International Labour, its executive body is the Board of Directors.
In Argentina the law 30 (1992) established the Higher Council comprising nine members as the supreme organ of address and University Government.
In the societies of limited liability with greater capital to which the law determines, it must appoint in Argentina a supervisory board.

2. Definition of Council

Council, from the latin consilĭum, is the opinion or the opinion that is issued or received to do (or not do) something. The Council is a trial, the belief or the query referred to an action or an event. For example: "I want to start my own business, but I need your advice", "Thank you, the advice that you gave me was very successful", "what I ask tips if after you do the opposite of what you suggest?".
The Council (usually written with initial capital letters) is a collegiate body or administrative body whose function is to inform the Government or the authorities on certain matters. There are Councils who are responsible for managing or directing a particular public organization or a sector of it.
The United Nations Security Council is a UN body that should keep the peace among countries and ensure safety. This agency has the authority to issue resolutions and forcing the members of the United Nations to comply with them: so it is more than a field of inquiry.
Fifteen Nations (five permanent and 10 temporary) are part of the United Nations Security Council. The permanent members are China, United States, United Kingdom, France and Russia.
The Council of the European Union, for its part, is an institution of the EU legislative and budgetary functions. It works in conjunction with the European Parliament and the European Commission. It is important not to confuse it with the European Council and the Council of Europe.
A Council (written with C), finally, is a deliberative body or Assembly meeting.

3. Meaning of Council

A Council (from the latin consilium) is a recommendation about what you should do, think or say in a specified context, usually made of one person to another by way of aid. It's somewhat theoretical, almost always aimed at solving problems or search for applicable strategies both at the social level and in the individual.
Giving advice is not seen eye to eye in all cultures. Some is considered impolite to give advice unless you have been asked, for some people the unsolicited advice are synonymous of paternalism, and therefore feel offended. In other cultures, however, the Councils may be given more openly. In some sides, giving advice is something that is even done in Exchange for money, by people who are trained in the matter, as in the case of financial advice, health, education and religion.
Either way, the Councils, when they are taken into account, can be beneficial, harmful, or partially beneficial or harmful, so any advice is completely good or completely bad. Still, there are those who consider that the Councils should be left outside any relationship, something that is reflected in the saying "the best advice is this: do not you give or receive advice".
In other contexts, the Councils are groups of people who are dedicated to administer and report on many issues. For example, the Council of Ministers in some countries is the set of civil servants forming the Executive Branch as a whole. Within the Government, there are tips that are dedicated to provide information about topics that are of interest, as the economy tips, boards of education, or social development councils.