What is the meaning of Desire? Concept and Definition of Desire

Definition, concept, meaning, what is desire


1. Concept of desire

In general terms, the desire refers to a yearning or aspiration, which has a source and a target, as well as various media for your satisfaction. The wishes of an individual are linked with the priorities and values that has, and his personality. On the other hand, have much to do with the stage of life that is pass, and the context.
In psychology, we call desire the engine of the psychic apparatus. I.e., is what starts our minds and thus also our behavior. Note that we are talking about a mind or psyche composed of three instances: conscious, preconscious, and unconscious, differentiated by two barriers of censorship exerted by the repression.
The desire by definition is unconscious in origin and is expressed in failed acts, jokes, and dreams. Thus, when we sleep "wishes come true", usually in a distorted way, since in the dream, as we recall, two phenomena (condensation and displacement) that hinder interpretation take place.
According to Sigmund Freud, the desire is never satisfied, is inexhaustible, unlike of and understand it on a daily basis. Once accomplished the goal of a wish, this goes in search of a new purpose, and so on.
From where is born the desire? Freud explains it to us with the help of the legendary experience of satisfaction: this is given in the first meeting between the child and the mother breast. In that instance the child manages to satisfy his desire for the only time, and from there you'll want to return to this legendary experience without success.
The desire is also the expression of it, to which the superego puts the limits of repression. The latter responds to the limits placed by parents in childhood, and for culture in general.

2. Definition of desire

According to what expresses more than one illustrated encyclopedic dictionary, desire is the energetic movement of the will to knowledge, possession or enjoyment of a thing. While it also defined as the action of desire, craving that some event has or non-realization. On the other hand, in addition it considers it as the desire to quench a taste. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the term in question comes from the latin desidium.
Given then that it is the desire to fulfill a desire or tempt a taste, we could say that desire can be set on something material, something situational, or people. To plot the first cases, desire could be placed in wanting to have a motorcycle or a dwelling. Meanwhile, for the second clearest example would be wanting to travel on vacation to a given site. While the third would have more to do with sexual desire.
Meanwhile, calmly a desire may be associated to noble issues and aspirations that would enter the entire society. In this sense, and to illustrate, there are many people who want peace in the world without wars or confrontations of any kind.
By your side, to disseminating Spanish scientist Eduardo Punset, desire does nothing other that claim the pleasure, self-realization, liberty and life itself. According to his perspective, desire brings to the people themselves, mislocation them, projects them and makes them over, making live in improvisation, the caprice and the disorder. At the same time, not must ignore that desire is part of human nature, being one of the engines that move human behavior. Given this, should highlight all mankind who want something becomes an active subject, since in order to satisfy their aspirations performs several actions.

Synonym of desire

As well, at time of quote synonyms of the word that us has called this time, can refer to the following: hope, aspiration, ambition, greed, pretension, desire, greed, ideal and will among others.

3. Meaning of desire

Desire is the strong inclination or the taste for the procurement, knowledge and enjoyment of something, that in many situations can even go from being just a strong inclination to directly become an uncontrollable need for satisfying that like or enjoy.
But in addition to refer to inclinations or tastes that have any person, also the term desire is used to refer to the sexual appetite and will be so for certain people who do not bear a mind or an open position, the word 'desire' is dyed and loaded with something sinful connotations (as they say). Well, just listen to it and even more naive is related to the issue, try to cover the ears to not hear the little moral situation proposed.
As for the rest of us not found in this village, a desire can be associated and mean the thing more noble and loving, as it can be the desire for peace in the world, leaving behind hard feelings, conflicts, battles and wars. Then, in terms of larger and more comprehensive, the desire can be motivated by the achievement of stringent material issues, or by people who are part of our affections.
On the other hand, desires are the result of a process that begins with an emotion to then transform feelings and desires finally. For example, I have the desire to buy a sports car, but before becoming that desire, it all started as a feeling of attraction to that car. Desire, in a strictly scientific context, starts as a brain boost which is sublimated in the form of emotion; When the emotion is processed as part of our personality and our values, has the time to conceive of this drive as a feeling. From that feeling one gets to the actual desire, which is a social and emotional equivalent of that initial emotion that gave rise.
All very nice, very nice... from you materials on the one hand, wishes altruistic on the other. However, wishes sometimes can become a double-edged weapon for individuals that are not supported or located firmly in the ground. In these cases, the most sublime wishes can become true nightmares for the person who yearns to them and to their environment.
Because this can happen, for example, in the case of the desire of the sports car that mentioned more above, desired with a strong and amazing vehemence, but actually does not have the necessary resources, more known as the vile metal, required to fulfill that desire. Then, unfortunately what can happen if one is not in cars of those things which can be accessed and who is not, that desire to become a frustration by not be able to reach it and that it then accrues in the formation of an envious and pessimistic attitude. In fact, according to many experts, circuits that our brains give rise to desires arise in a manner very similar to the networks of neurons involved in addictions; in fact, both systems share referred to as responses of reward, in which the pleasure factor is involved with great force. Therefore, pay attention to certain desires, particularly with those who we obsess or become impulses really non-controllable... because some, as we can see, are measured in various amounts of zeros.