What is the meaning of Expertise? Concept and Definition of Expertise
Definition of expertise
1. Concept of expertise
Expertise (from latin peritĭa) is the skill, wisdom and experience in a particular matter. Who has skill called expert: is a specialist who tends to be consulted for the resolution of conflicts.The expert report always includes a detailed description of the object, the person or the situation in study, the relationship of all the operations performed during the expertise with its result, the enumeration of the media scientists and technicians who were used to issue the report and conclusions.
For example: "the judge is waiting for the results of the expert opinions to order the detention of the suspect", "Ramírez was released since the expertise showed that he never fired a gun," "Due to the lack of preservation of the crime scene, the judge considered that expertise will not yield a conclusive result", "expertise confirms that the car was going to more than 150 kilometres per hour".
In a trial, they may act part (proposed by some involved in the dispute) experts and legal experts (appointed by the judge). The reports of the expert opinions are presented under oath and on the basis of the evidence collected by the expert (who may not make assumptions or provide opinions).
2. Meaning of expertise
In our language we call expertise that ability, skill, experience or knowledge that an individual holds in relation to a science, discipline, activity or art.To the individual that occurs skillful and knowledgeable on a subject or matter popularly known it as an expert. It is common to in the resolution of conflicts, problems, in various fields, such as law, to cite some, will convene an expert so precisely it cast light on a specific topic.
For instance, it is frequent in a judicial inquiry that we find this kind of professionals that are those who clarified certain tests based on its analysis and detailed study.
For example, an individual commits suicide and is located beside the corpse a note of farewell allegedly written and signed by him. Within the framework of the cause that it will investigate a judge, usually, to determine without a doubt that it was a suicide, is that this should be called an expert calligrapher, i.e. a professional ideal in recognition of calligraphy, to establish if the letter of the Charter corresponds and coincides with other writings that is known that the dead have written in life.
Also, in cases of murders with firearms, is usually to convene experts, specialized in ballistics, so that they can indicate the weapon used, the site of penetration of the bullet, among other issues.
In the judicial field can find two types of experts: expert's part, is the one proposed by the accused, and the legal expert, which is that announced by the judge or court.
Note that the result of the expertise which a professional is normally presented as evidence at the trials to corroborate or counter any complaint. It is formally known as opinion or expert report.
Most commonly used for this word synonyms include skill and dexterity, which rightly referred to the capacity and willingness to be at the time of the realization of something.
Meanwhile, the concept as opposed to the one that concerns us is incompetence, that is used when you want to express a lack of skill, experience, presenting someone in carrying out an activity or task.