What is the meaning of Neighbor? Concept and Definition of Neighbor
Definition, concept, meaning, what is neighbor
1. Concept of neighbor
Neighbor is a term that comes from the latin vicīnus (which, in turn, derives from vicus, and means "district" or "place"). The concept is used to name him who dwells with others in the same building, neighborhood or village, although in separate homes. I.e.: the members of a family living in a House are not neighbors together, they are neighbors of the families residing in surrounding or nearby houses.For example: "I have problems with my neighbor because listening to music at a very high volume during the night", "I moved three months ago and still don't know my neighbors," "Monica got wedding to his neighbor", "a group of neighbors was presented to justice to denounce the existence of stores that sell merchandise stolen in the district".
The notion of neighbor, therefore, depends on the geographical proximity. In a strict sense, neighbors are those who live in adjoining apartments or houses. Anyway, the term can be extended to encompass neighborhoods or entire villages.
Coexistence with neighbours can be complicated. As in any social setting, you need respect and understanding to avoid conflicts. The problem is that there is extensive knowledge of each Member while in domestic coexistence and links are marked by affection, residents tend to be strangers to which only referred them, in part, with the passage of time.
Neighbour, finally, can be used as adjective to appoint such, matching or similar: "the President and the Governor have neighboring positions on international trade".
2. Definition of neighbor
From the latin "vicinus" which in turn comes from "vicus" you mean, settlement, neighbourhood or village, and now means people living in adjoining houses, or in the same building of horizontal property; or by extension, in a neighbourhood or in the same locality. So say, for example: "my son was playing at the House of a neighbor," whether it is a House lined, as if it is a block away; or you can hear for example "died a resident of our city". Relations between neighbors generate many times legal issues, for example, when a water pipe breaks, and seeps into the neighbor's House, or the imposition of easements of joint ownership, or the impediment of making annoying noises.It also applies to other major, such as provinces or countries institutional organizations. Thus, Spain is neighbor of France, or the province of Buenos aires is neighbor to the of Entre Ríos in Argentina. Even more broadly, applies to similar ideas, for example, ideas of San Martín were neighbors to the Bolivar.
In Spain, the neighborhoods were constituted, during the regime of monarchic absolutism for tax purposes, composed by neighbors, represented by the head of each family unit.
In the Hispanic colonies so that someone could be considered neighbor should have in the city, an inhabited house. Only residents could attend the meetings of the Council and had the right to participate in the Government of the city. The first founders of the cities residents, received plots (plots of land) by the Spanish Crown, located in the most important part of the city, near the Church, the shopping center and the Palace of Government. The rest of dwellings, not founders, were located in more remote areas.
3. Meaning of neighbor
The neighbouring Word, from the latin vicīnus, refers to a person living with others in the same street, town or room. In everyday language, the word is more reserved for use by people who live in houses that are beside each other. However, the Word can also be used to refer to countries, cities and all kinds of contiguous territorial extensions, as "Germany has had diplomatic problems with its neighbors to the South".Among residents of adjoining houses, there are things such as the code of good neighbor, that is not something defined but simple rules of education that is recommended to people who live in places together in order to coexist and interact in a healthy way. Often, on television and in movies is neighbors as enemies.
In popular language, the word neighbour is present in expressions known as "each neighbor's son" or "any neighbor's son" to refer to any person, as in "Now is that any child of the neighbor can give orders".
Also known to the person who owns a property in a village and collaborates with their responsibilities even if not living in the property with the name of neighbor, although this meaning is less common and well known.
In colonial times, the word was used as a title of nobility which now no longer be grants, and those who were sons or descendants of persons who had been found among the first founders of a city possessed. The title allowed the individual that it had to give their opinions at the meetings of Government as well as enjoy privileges should be considered for positions of Mayor and at the time of receiving parcels.