What is the meaning of Pepper? Concept and Definition of Pepper

Definition, concept, meaning, what is pepper


1. Concept of pepper

Origin of pepper: Pepper is native to the India and is grown in tropical areas of Asia. Used
Since ancient times. Proof of the use that the Greeks and Romans did it has been. Already in Spain, at the beginning of the arrival of the species in the middle ages and before being discovered the route of spices, used as currency in the markets, such was his value. By that reason range Blasco, was to search for the desired route of the spices.
Major pepper producing countries are India and Brazil, followed by Malaysia, Indonesia and other South American countries. The main importer of pepper is us.

The pepper plant:

Pepper is a family of the Piperaceas, it is a climbing tree that grows in tropical area wet. Peppercorns are the berries of the tree Piper nigrum. Is according to the treatment given to grain to collect it, you get a different kind of pepper.
Varieties of peppers grown and most used in the world are: Kudarivalli and Belantung from Sumatra, Balamkota, Kuching and Singapore, British Indian (Malabar, coast of India), Cambodia (Indo-China) and Aceh (Sumatra). Three varieties, three in Sumatra (Lada Korintji, Lada Djambi and Lada Belantug) and two in the islands of Bangka and Billiton (Lampong and Muntok) are grown in Indonesia.

Kinds of pepper:

• Pepper negro:e pepper collected when it is not yet mature, that to let it dry, turns black and wrinkled.
• White pepper: it is the collected ripe pepper, which is left to macerate with water, the skin is removed and appears white grain.
• Pink pepper and green pepper: is green or very immature, collected pepper macerated in brine and pulled out each one in a different maceration time.

Conservation of pepper:

It must be kept in jars, glass, well sealed and in a cool, dry place. They sold it in ground powder and grain. Packaged in glass jars. There is also the option of purchasing them in glass jar, which is at the same time mill, so it is freshly ground and keep more aroma and flavor. But, sell grinders, which you fill out only the amount you need in every moment.

Use of pepper in the kitchen:

The ideal is to buy the peppercorns and grind it yourself, because it keeps more flavor and aroma.
The softer is the rose, which is used for salads, is aromatic, very decorative and not itchy. You can calmly chewing.
The Green is like the rose, aromatic, a bit itchy and masticar can also. It is used to prepare sauces for meats, stews, stews.
The black is the hottest of all, guida white. The latter is used ground to prepare mild sauces, stews of fish, rice and vegetables.
Black peppercorns are often used, to prepare marinades, pickles, marinades, stews, stews.

Medicinal properties of pepper:

Vasoconstrictor powers attributed to him. so the pepper is beneficial for varicose veins, matrix or uterus, hemorrhoids, the vegiga, liver problems.
Thanks to its essential oils (ericolina), it has antioxidant and anticancer powers.
Pepper, as well as other spices, helps burn fat.

2. Definition of pepper

Piper nigrum is a plant of the family of the piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is used dry as a spice. The fruit is a Berry (approximately 5mm) that can be used whole or powdered obtaining different peppers such as the black, white, or green, with the only difference of the processing to which are subjected. Pepper can be used in many dishes, being one of the most popular spices.
Pepper has been cultivated since ancient times, originally in the India. In the middle ages, pepper was ground and used to offset the taste of rotting food.
Its name comes from the latin pigmentum (pigment, dyestuff) as opposed to its form in other languages such as French (pepper), Italian (pepe), German (MK) or English (pepper) in which the word comes from the latin piper and this in turn from the ancient Greek πέπερι peperi, in turn from the Sanskrit pippalī.
Its scientific name is Piper nigrum and belongs to the family of the piperaceae, is a tropical plant native to the India and Java.
Other plants of the genus Piper are the Piper longum, Piper cubeba, Piper guineense and the Piper betle, most of them originating in the India.

Types of pepper

The varieties of pepper are due to the different ripening of the fruits of the plant:
• Green pepper are totally unripe. Unlike the previous consumed more grain than powder and is more rare to find fresh: often sold dry or in short-term in vinegar.
• Black pepper collects half of its maturation. It is the most widely used since ancient times.
• White pepper is fully ripe grain shell. A little softer than the black, it is also widely used saying connoisseurs that best resists cooking.


It was introduced in Greece by Alexander the great. Legend has it that Eudoxus of Cyzicus was the first European who in addition to other spices brought pepper to Europe.
The Arabs controlled the trade of pepper and other many spices for centuries, and after the fall of the Byzantine Empire was Venice who distributed and collected the gold to pay East for pepper and other spices almost in a unique way. It was a product so rare and expensive that was used as currency during the middle ages.
Its high value was one of the reasons why the Portuguese sought the route to the Spice Islands in the East around Africa.


Pepper gets its spicy flavor of the compound piperine, which is found in the peel of the fruit and seed. Refined piperine, milligram by milligram, is as one percent of spicy that capsaicin from Chili or chili sauce. Shell of the grain, left in black pepper, also contains odorous terpenes including pinene, the sabinene, limonene, the caryophyllene, and linalool which gives citrus, Woody and floral touches. These smells are missing in white pepper, which removed the shell. On the other hand, the white pepper can gain some different scents (moldy even) of its largest stage of fermentation.
Pepper loses flavor and aroma if left to air free pickup once, so airtight storage preserves its aroma and flavor longer. Another way that pepper loses flavor is exposure to sunlight too long, since it can transform piperine into (almost tasteless) isochavicina. Once ground, pepper aromatics can evaporate quickly being thus in the culinary recipes is recommended to grind whole grains of pepper immediately before use. The pepper mills that grind or crush peppercorns whole instead of the addition with pre-molida pepper are used for this. The pepper mills have been used in European kitchens from century XIV, but the mortar, used for crushing pepper, before these continued to be a popular method also for centuries.

3. Meaning of pepper

Pepper is a spice used to flavor foods. It is a fruit that comes from plants of the genus Piper, consisting of nearly one thousand species. This means that there is a variety of peppers.
Culinary, pepper is a dried Berry that is used, in general, ground, although you can also directly use the grain. Its flavor is very spicy, so it is included in small doses to avoid the dishes to be strong.
For example: "cheese that we bought in the market have peppercorns on the inside and surface of different species", "would I pass the pepper please? I'd like to throw a little meat","salsa had much pepper".
Black pepper, green pepper and white pepper are the most popular peppers. All three come from the same plant (Piper nigrum), which is native to Asia. Varieties depend simply on treatment you carried out the Berry: black pepper is harvested in the middle of the maturation stage; the green pepper is Berry unripe; and white pepper is already mature and husking grain.
The case of the red pepper, also known as cayenne pepper, is curious. This "pepper" does not come out of a plant of the genus Piper, but it is the condiment that is obtained by grinding the fruits (already dried) of some sort of pepper of the Capsicum genus. This powder is called pepper for sharing an itching similar to which generate Piper beads.