What is the meaning of Plausivel? Concept and Definition of Plausivel

Definition, concept, meaning, what is plausivel


1. Concept of  Plausivel

The etymology of the term plausible leads to latin plausibĭlis, an adjective that comes from the verb plaudere (which can be translated as "clap"). For this reason, the first meaning of the concept that recognizes the Real Academia Española (RAE) refers to that which deserves a round of applause.
The most common use of the concept today, however, joins what is credible, valid or acceptable. For example: "the defendant offered a plausible explanation, the researchers decided to release it" "is not plausible that someone who says winning pesos per month has a Ferrari and live in a mansion", "Decided to accept his proposal because it gave me several plausible reasons on the advisability of developing the project".
You can say, in short, something plausible is what sounds logical and therefore can be believed or accepted. The opposite to the plausible would be incredible thing or the unlikely.
Suppose a worker arrives late to his job and his boss asks for an explanation in this regard. The employee can ensure that you travelling by train heading to work when there was an accident, by what was delayed. Such a justification of the delay is plausible. On the other hand, if the worker says that when he was on the verge of joining the company, he was abducted by aliens who, half an hour later, they returned to Earth, the argumentation is not plausible.
It is important to highlight the qualification of a fact or a theory as plausivel não indicates their veracity, but analyte is Yes but still pt the ground as possible.