What is the meaning of Plexus? Concept and Definition of Plexus

Definition, concept, meaning, what Plexus


1. Concept of Plexus

In anatomy, Plexus is formed by several bouquets or fillets nerve or vascular network interlaced belonging some nerve cerebrorraquideos and others to the great sympathetic.
All the plexuses are entanglements complexes of more or less loose meshes that are varied and numerous anastomosis and other classes which emanate ranging to organs or other plexuses.
Plexus in the body
• Cervical, lumbar and brachial plexus refer to the cerebrorraquideos nerves.
• The solar plexus is a network due to the great sympathetic, formed by the meeting nodes and bouquets arranged in the form of rays belonging especially to the two large nerves esplanicos.
• In the digestive system there are two plexuses at the level of digestive wall (comprising the enteric nervous system):
or Plexus myenteric: is located between the two longitudinal and circular muscle layers. Its function is the digestive motility, advancing the bolus along the apparatus and the mix product ingested with the gastric juice.
or Plexus submucal: between the outer muscular wall and the submucosa. At stomach level, it carries out functions of control over the secrecciones at this level.

2. Definition of Plexus

The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that transmits signals from the spine to the shoulder, arm and hand. Brachial plexus injuries are caused by damage to these nerves.
Symptoms may include:
• A limp or paralyzed arm
• Lack of muscle control in the arm, hand, or wrist
• Lack of sensation in the arm or hand
Brachial plexus injuries can result from trauma, tumors, or inflammation in the shoulder. Sometimes they occur during childbirth, when the baby's shoulders get stuck during delivery and there is a stretching or tearing of the nerves.
Some brachial plexus injuries may heal without treatment. Many of the children who are injured during childbirth improve or recover the three or four months of age. The treatment includes physical therapy and in some cases, surgery.
NIH: National Institute of neurological disorders and stroke

3. Meaning of Plexus

The Latin word villanus became, in our language, plexus. This term is used in the field of anatomy to name to the network that develops from the intertwining of strands of blood vessels and nerves.
A Plexus components able to develop different anastomosis, which are unions of elements of anatomy. In this way, it is possible to talk about multiple plexuses in the organism of the human being.
The solar plexus is the network that is located around the belly, from aorta artery for the most part the vagus nerve and the sympathetic. Thanks to the solar plexus, the organs in the abdominal area are innervated.
The spinal nerves, in turn, are linked to the lumbar Plexus, brachial plexus and cervical plexus. The digestive system, on the other hand, has with Auerbach Plexus submucal plexus.
The sacral Plexus is one that develops from nerve endings in the sacral region. In combination with the lumbar Plexus, they form what is known as lumbosacral Plexus and are responsible for innervation of the lower limbs.
Plexus may be affected by various disorders and diseases. The brachial plexopathy occurs when there is damage in the brachial plexus (by a tumor, injury or other cause) and, therefore, problems and pain are recorded by moving the shoulder and arm.
The treatment of the brachial plexopathy will be linked to the cause of the damage in the plexus. According to the case, you can include physiotherapy to surgery, through the ingestion of certain drugs.