What is the meaning of Pyogenic? Concept and Definition of Pyogenic

Definition, concept, meaning, what is Pyogenic


1. Concept of Pyogenic

Pyogenic granulomas are small high and reddish bumps on the skin. These bumps have a smooth surface and can be humid. They can bleed easily because of the high number of blood vessels at the site.


The exact cause of Pyogenic granulomas is unknown. Often appear after an injury to the hands, arms or face.
Pyogenic granulomas are common in children.


• Small vascular red bump that bleeds easily.
• Often is the site of a recent injury.
• Is observed most often on the hands, arms and face, but may occur in the mouth (almost always in pregnant women).

Tests and examinations

The doctor will perform a physical examination to diagnose this condition. Also requires a skin biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.


Small Pyogenic granulomas can suddenly disappear. The larger bumps are treated with surgery, electrocautery, freezing or laser.

Expectations (prognosis)

The majority of Pyogenic granulomas can be removed. A scar may be after treatment. There is a good chance that the condition will return if not destroyed the entire granuloma during treatment.

Potential complications

• Bleeding of the granuloma.
• Recurrence of the condition after the treatment.
When to contact a medical professional
See your health care provider if you have a bump on the skin that bleed easily or change of appearance.

Alternative names

Lobular capillary Hemangioma

2. Definition of Pyogenic

Pyogenic is a term that has its etymological origin in the Greek language, but which are not part of the dictionary developed by the Real Academia Española (RAE). The term, which is used in the field of medicine, is used to name what causes a suppuration.
The verb ooze, moreover, relates to the formation or excretion of pus (a thick substance made up of dead cells, serum and other components, which secrete the tissues that suffer certain inflammations). Pyogenic agents, therefore, cause, in a tissue, causing pus.
Pyogenic, in general, is the adjective that is then applied to those microorganisms causing an inflammatory reaction that includes the production of pus. Various microbes can be qualified as Pyogenic, as in the case of Staphylococcus and streptococcus.
Pathological disorders and diseases which, in its development, stimulate the drainage are also qualified Pyogenic. In this sense, can we talk of Pyogenic meningitis, an inflammation that occurs in the meninges due to the action of bacteria, among other diseases.
Pyogenic liver abscesses, on the other hand, are formations of pus that appear in the liver, usually caused by infections. There are patients who may present a multiplicity of these abscesses, aggravating the box.
Other Pyogenic process is impetigo, a skin infection that is contagious from person to person and that involves the appearance of blisters on the skin. The highest incidence of impetigo occurs in children under five years old.

3. Meaning of Pyogenic

A liver abscess is a mass of pus within or associated with the liver. The most common causes are the abdominal infection such as appendicitis, diverticulitis, an intestinal inflammatory disease, a perforated intestine, systemic infections as bacterial endocarditis or manipulation of the biliary tract.
The liver is intra-abdominal organ that most frequently develops abscesses. Intra-abdominal abscesses, 25% are visceral and nearly half of them are typical of the higado.2 liver abscesses can be single or multiple and are due to Hematogenous spread or by local extension from a surrounding liver infection.
With treatment, the gross mortality rate from liver abscess is between 10-30% and the rate is even higher in patients with multiple abscesses. Pyogenic liver abscess in the neonatal period is usual and prognosis, usually as a result of a complication of umbilical venous catheterization.


There are three main types of classified based on its etiology, liver abscesses:
• Purulent liver abscess, which tends to be polymicrobial and is way more common in developed countries.
• Hepatic abscess amebic, caused by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica.
• Hepatic abscess fungal, mainly caused by the fungus Candida species

Liver abscess, purulent

Purulent liver abscesses have been known for over 100 years and have been a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with appendicitis and portal vein thrombosis. It is characterized by pain in the right upper abdominal quadrant especially to deep palpation of the examiner and that can refer to the shoulder on the same side, the epigastrium or the upper left quadrant. Usually accompanied by fever of 38 ° C, profuse sweating, loss of weight and, often, a palpable liver and ictericia.1 about a third of patients with liver abscess does not presenteran a point of personally identifiable source of infection.
Liver abscesses are findings in 0.36% of all autopsies and most often in the sixth and seventh decades of life, without having preference for one of the two genres. In one study, more than 80% of patients with Pyogenic liver abscess had cancer of liver, gall bladder or pancreas. The second most frequent cause is related to generalized sepsis. The incidence of Pyogenic liver abscess associated with a diverticulitis is as high as it is for the perforated appendicitis, i.e. about 3% of cases.
There is Leukocytosis, i.e. increase in the count of the white well-perfused circulating in the blood, usually between 18,000 and 20,000/ml. Half of the patients are anemic. Both the values of liver enzymes and transaminases, as well as hypoalbuminemia have no diagnostic value as always leave inconsistent values.
Ultrasound will show a cystic mass in the liver which tends to be septate or well with homogeneous characteristics. If a computed tomography (CT), you will appreciate a hypodense mass (dark) with precise edges. Percutaneous aspiration of abscess and microbiological culture is essential for the proper treatment and drainage of the abscess. A drainage catheter, is frequently installed especially for patients with complex abscesses or containing very thick fluid. Multiple abscesses are common in immunosuppressed patients and consider several etiologic organisms, including a yeast infection.