What is the meaning of Ceramic? Concept and Definition of Ceramic

What is the Meaning of Ceramic?

The ceramic Word comes from the Greek κεραμική "keramike" and its meaning is "made with clay". Although clay is the main material to produce ceramics, other elements can also be used in blends, which are manipulated molding them to give them shape, cold, but then the action of heat hardening it, and makes it resistant and can withstand high temperatures and no rust, although they break if they fall or hit with a hard object.

They have been used by man since the revolution Neolithic, to manufacture vessels and ornaments, or figures in many cases connected with the magic and religion, as the Mother Goddess, with exaggerated feminine qualities, which was found in Tell Halaf, in Syria.
In the beginning, around the year 6,000 before the Christian era, and the need to store the products of the man who became sedentary, and make stronger baskets that kept their provisions, they would have covered those same baskets with clay and dried them in the Sun. Molding was handmade, but to reinvent the wheel, was the lathe in the age of metals, which carried out that activity, what added the invention of the oven for cooking, because at the beginning clay Sun, was cooking or approaching them to the bonfires. To these objects are added them geometric engravings, paintings or scale drawings. Many ceramic objects are shown from different cultures, and may be seen in museums, as in the National Archaeological of Belgium, that shows ceramic vessels, from Liège. The activity of the ceramic work was pottery.
Incredibly, as well as pottery was used in Europe, was also in Asia and America, this last place where apparently originated in Ecuador, but when Europe started the Old age (approximately towards the 3,000 a. C).

Definition of Ceramic y Meaning of Ceramic