What is the meaning of Quixotic Concept and Definition of Quixotic

What is the Meaning of Quixotic?

To understand what the adjective quixoticmeans, we need to know some issues related to "The ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote of la Mancha", the novel introduced by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in 1605 and from which it derives the term mentioned.

This book, that parodies the stories of cavalry, has as a central character Don Quixote, a whimsical man that he believed fight against fearsome Giants but that, in reality, it was facing simple windmills. Since then, began to qualify as a Quixotism to behavior that one is convinced of the existence of things that, in reality, are imaginary, or strives to do impossible things.
Quijotesco, in this sense, is those who act with Quixotism or what develops with Quixotism. In a similar sense, a Don Quixote is someone who defends his ideals first and foremost and that strives to meet objectives of improbable achievement said.
For example: "my great-grandfather began nearly two centuries ago the quixotic task of afforest these lands for founding a town", "the quijostesco man was launched into the River with the intention of retrieving the ring from his beloved, even though this had already sunk", "I'm not interested in the quixotic projects: want rational proposals, which we can carry out in the short term".
The adjective quixotic is usually used in the field of sport to qualify those epic performances, which are in history by the difficulties of the context: "In a quixotic, match the Russian tennis player defeated in five sets to no. 1 in the world after lifting eight match points and recovered from a strong contraction".

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