The Great Pyramid of Gizeh

A building built before modern engineers had intimidated

The great pyramid of Giza, in Egypt, was to be the last monument, a large monument, worthy of man which commemorated: King Khufu, better known by her Greek name Cheops; one of the most powerful rulers who has known the ancient world. Along the ramparts of the Nile rise around 40 pyramids, but one of them can be compared with the great pyramid of Giza. This monument is more than 137 meters high and covers a square area of two hundred and thirty metres from side.
The blocks of stone used in its construction - 2.300.000 - were cut with great accuracy and have a weight that varies from 2 to 15 tons. The graph of Napoleon calculated that it contains enough stone to build a wall of 2.73 meters in height and 91 centimeters thick around entire France. base of the pyramid is a perfect square; all four sides face accuracy to the four cardinal points. The corners are angles you that border on perfection.

Even today, despite the spread of photography, it is hard to imagine imposing is the pyramid without seeing with their own eyes. But O years ago the monument was still more impressive: was coated with a gleaming white limestone (sacked long ago to be used as construction material in other areas) and crowned by a cap of beaten gold, measuring nine meters... many are wondering if the great pyramid is simply a technical marvel of antiquity and a monument that has a deeper significancea mystical significance. as new aspects of antiquity are known, are irrefutable proof that past civilizations often reached amazing levels of scientific wisdom. Some of them seem to have possessed, even knowledge that we lack today.
For example: as the ancient Egyptians, who had even discovered wheel, managed PEAR lift the great pyramid, using only levers and rollers? How they could carve the giant blocks of granite with amazing precision? How they could harden bronze tools to provide it with a resistance that is today, inimitable? How, they acquired the boldness which enabled them to undertake a project of such magnitude Intimidada even for the more restless and adventurous architects and engineers modern? Great Pyramid sits on a rocky plateau, 16 kilometres from Cairo. It is believed that, before lifting, the Egyptians built a base exactly level, which should build a wall of mud around the plateau. Then, surely took to the fenced-off area. As the water was then gradually drained, appeared the outbound sites, bumps, which matched until it was a vast flat surface. On this basis, deeper than that which holds our modern skyscrapers, the crews began to drag the giant blocks of sandstone from the quarries. Material to build the bright limestone coverage had to be brought from further: quarries situated in the ramparts of the Nile. The rocks were dragged on sleds through soft ramps; once taken to the right place, the quarrymen were responsible for cut them with any accuracy.
The grave is dug, as a deep tunnel, in the basement of solid rock on which was built the pyramid; This was the tomb which is provided for use in the event that the Emperor died before the monument was completed. Then another Tomb, inside the pyramid, but at a level below what should be the true burial chamber was built: this was located in the very heart of the pyramid, about forty-two meters above the ground level. The burial chamber is came by a small passageway, which emptied into a majestic Gallery of 7.5 meters high.
Within the corridor were housed huge granite «plugs». so this could be blocked forever once the priests had completed the funeral rites within the burial chamber. But despite all these preparations complicated, it seems that a corpse in the great Pyramid was never deposited. Egyptologists are divided into two groups: those who believe that I monuments have some deep and mysterious significance and those who believe that they are simple tombs. But, if the great pyramid is a mere Tomb, by which that absence of a buried body and what this precision math of each wall, each earring, runner and cavity.
As evidenced by the tombs of the Valley of the Kings - where archaeologists found the tomb of Tutankhamun - the bodies were usually buried together with works of art and valuables. When the robbers made their raids in the tombs, stole what were valuable, hard would be a corpse. However, when the great pyramid fu raped for the first time, in the year 800 of ours was (the rapist was a young Caliph of Baghdad, to the Mamun), she did not find any body eh. In fact, after entering the pyramid, the Mamun not became e a plunderer.
The Caliph had heard legends according to which the great pyramid contained letters and astronomical maps, the glass not breaking and most pure metals. After a dangerous and arduous drilling of large granite defenses, it finally reached the burial chamber of King.
All he found it was a vacuum and without lid sarcophagus and coffin of stone to the Caliph seemed impossible, after having seen the large caps d rock, inviolate until that moment, that someone had preceded him in si penetration into the monument. He researched for evidence, such as a break-in or traces of looting, but didn't find anything like that. So he was disappointed and perplexed, wondering for what purposes were built the vast monument. Since that time, the great pyramid did not return to be disturbed for centuries, until British and French mathematicians and scientists began to be interested in it, in the 17TH and 18th centuries.
In 1683, John Greaves, a student at Oxford, explored the burial chamber of King and was wonder do before the accuracy of your measurements, which do not diverge symmetry «even in a thousandth part of one foot».
The discoveries of Greaves attracted the attention of other British University, among which was sir Isaac Newton; all he persistently worked to discover the secret of the pyramid, but failed. In the 1830s, an English adventurer, Colonel Richard Howard Vyse, led a team of researchers; their main finding was that of two passages, 23 centimeters in diameter, connecting Northern fronts South of the pyramid with the Royal burial chamber. When these ducts were cleared, the climate inside the burial chamber remained immovable, - 2 ° c, either that was the temperature that prevailed outside the pyramid. It's an ideal temperature for the preservation of the models of weights and scientific measures which, according to the legendary stories about the Tomb, had been stored in it.
Thirty years later, another English, John Taylor - son of director and editor of the Observernewspaper - made other discoveries without even moving - will of his Cabinet. Taylor submitted to critically examine everything you previously knew about the great pyramid and wrote his book - The Great Pyrarnié Why Wes It Built ond Who Built It?; It was concluded that the Egyptians who built the pyramid «knew that the Earth was a sphere '.» by observing the movement of the celestial horns relative to the Earth's surface, they calculated the circumference of the planet. They wanted to leave for posterity the most correct and lasting record they could get".
Taylor studies revealed that the relationship between the height of the pyramid and its perimeter is the same as that which exists between its circumference and the radius of a circle. This seems to show that the Egyptians knew the value of Pi, the invaluable mathematical principle that, until recently, everyone believed that he had discovered 3500 years after flowering of Egyptian civilization. The analysis of Taylor were confirmed by the brilliant mathematician Charles Piazzl Smyth, who was Astronomer Royal for Scotland. From then on, emerged in spades new theories about the pyramids. Some were really cool, other only eccentric; Some had a profound mystical and religious meaning, others were practical and scientific.
One of the explanations that were proposed was that the great Pyramid was designed as a giant clock. In 1853, the French physicist Jean Baptiste Biot deduced that the width and level pavement that stretches along the North and South faces of the great pyramid were actually a graduated surface to receive the shadow of the monument. In winter, the pyramid would cast its shadow on the Northern floor; in summer, polished limestone cladding would reflect the Sun on the southern floor. In this way, it was possible to read in them the day of the year and the time of day. David Davidson, a British engineer from Leeds specialist structures, and his colleague from Yorkshire, Moses E. Cotsworth, adopted and deepened the proposal of Biot.
According to them, the Egyptians, using the pyramid, could measure the actual duration of the year with an accuracy of thousandths of a second. Other explanations claimed that the great pyramid is actually a huge Astronomical Observatory. In the 19th century, the British astronomer Richard Proctor showed that one of the brokers of the great pyramid, known as the descending passage, was exactly aligned with the star that designates the north pole of the Earth. In the days that the pyramid was built, the current role of the Polar Star was alpha Draconis, but the slight displacement of the axis of the Earth through the centuries changed things.
As the great Pyramid has been moved with the Earth, the descending passage appears now aligned with Polar, Proctor star conjeturis several notches and grooves that appear on the inside of the great pyramid, the largest Gallery, may have had the function of holding banks and mobile platforms, so observers to explore, with its optical instruments, the passage of the stars through the entrance of the gallery.
Members of the Institute of Pyramidology, of London, believe that the great pyramid prophesies accurately the future of humanity. According to this Institute, can show, through a complicated system of measurements and mathematical calculations, that the great Egyptian monument predicted the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, the crucifixion of Christ, the outbreak of the first World War (episode which, according to members of the Institute, was the beginning of the disintegration of the old order, as prophesied by Daniel and Jesus) and the beginning of the Millennium in the fall of 1979. This date - postulates the Institute - London - marks the beginning of the 1000 years (Millennium) that Christ will reign upon the Earth; this era will end with Armageddon and the day of judgment in 2979.
The writer Peter Tompkins, author of an exhaustive study about you Mister them from Gizeh, published a book that tried to solve the riddle and surrounds the great pyramid in 1971. Tompkins says the Egyptian priests put the Pharaoh Khufu or Cheops a tomb gigantic. But once monarch sanctioned and I doté funds the project, the priests began to build a tomb, not a huge building devoted to scientific knowledge. And when he died, the Khufu dreamer was not buried there.
In collaboration with Dr. Livio Strechini, Professor of ancient history at Wliliam Paterson College of New Jersey, Tompkins summed up the scientific conquests of the builders of the pyramids and came to the following conclusions:
The great pyramid is a Center, carefully chosen, from which all the geography of the ancient world could settle.
The monument was used as an Observatory, from which were plotted maps and classifications of stars with remarkable accuracy.
Sides and angles of the pyramid base used as measures in all the ancient cartography.
The great pyramid structure took into account the mathematical value Pi,
The monument could be a "library" practice of the current system of weights and measures in the ancient world
The builders knew the exact circumference of the Earth and the exact length of the year (including a few calculable margins of error in the twenty-two thousand four hundred two avas part of a day). It is likely that the Egyptians also knew the extent of the orbit of the earth around the Sun, the weight specific of the planet, the 26 000 year cycle of the equinoxes, the acceleration of gravity and the speed of light. -that the ancient Egyptians, 3000 years before the birth of o, have learned all this constitutes an enigma. And, if you really give this knowledge would how got them and why it was forgotten to attach so many centuries?.
For anyone who contemplates the great pyramid, it is obvious that it was built by a very advanced civilization. And one cannot least to wonder if that civilization also possessed powers that men today can only dream.

The "power" of the pyramids

For a long time, it has been argued that the pyramids create mysterious forces, whose nature cannot be explained. Many tests have been conducted in order to prove that the pyramids are magnets for cosmic rays, or they work as true power of static electricity. There are also many stories about people who, after visiting the pyramids, have acquired the power to predict his own fate. Tourists often suffer a shock or faint when they visit the monuments of the ancient Egypt.
On August 12, 1799, Napoleon visited the burial chamber of Pharaoh in the great pyramid. After a while, Napoleon asked his guide that only let him. When he finally left, the Conqueror of Europe showed himself pale and disturbed. When asked what speaks to him happened, responded sharply: «Don't ever refer to this topic.» Then, in various stages of his life, he himself to confess it planned its future while talking remained only in the interior of the great pyramid. Shortly before his death, it seems that he was about to reveal his secret to one of his assistants.
But was interrupted to say: "Why talk about this? would not believe me." But the most extraordinary cases that seem to bring out the power of the pyramids have been starring ordinary people without scientific mentality, which have never been in Egypt. It's people who confesses to having achieved remarkable success using cardboard, metal or plastic models built to the exact scale of the great pyramid. It says that these models have the power to keep sharp razor blades for a long time, store fresh foods, promote feelings of peace and harmony and even help to predict the future.
In the 1850s, a Frenchman named Bovis visited the great pyramid and, among usual debris that tourists leave, discovered the body of a dead cat: a body remarkably well preserved, as if it had undergone a process of mummification. When he returned to France, Bovis experimented with models of pyramids, built to scale, and found that they helped to keep food fresh. One hundred years later, the Czechoslovakian engineer Karel Drbal read of Bovis research.
In countries beyond the iron curtain there was an acute shortage of bojas razor, and Drbal wanted to find out if the power of the pyramids reached also metals. He built a pyramid model and found that razor blades that he kept in the model is not never desafilaban. When did ' in the Patent Office in Prague, in 1959, did not believe it officials. But, once the head of the office had proved the effectiveness of the procedure, Drbal received patent number 91.304. Nobody knows by what mechanisms operate the pyramids. The only clue in this regard is an old legend, which dates back to the first world war, according to which the razor blades that are left in the open, in the light of the Moon, Dawn dull.
The edge of those leaves is made up of tiny crystals; and, if the energy generated by the rays of the moon can dull a blade razor, why can't the energy generated by a pyramid help keep it sharp? To run a pyramid, there are certain immutable rules to - follow. It should be constructed so that the base and one side pertaining the 15.7 to 14.94; and their sides must be aligned with the four cardinal points. Razor blade must rest 3.33 units high, and edges must be directed in the East-West direction. No one can explain how the secret power of the pyramids, but there are thousands of people around the world who swear to have proven its effectiveness.

Source: Great Enigmas of Nigel Blundell-Wikipedia-dictionary Insolito-grandes adventures of man