What is the meaning of Repulsion? Concept and Definition of Repulsion

Definición de Repulsión. Concepto de Repulsión

Definition of Repulsion

Repulsion is a concept derived from repulsĭo, a Latin term. It is the Act and the result of spinning or repel (despise or reject something). For example: "I feel repulsion for people who mistreat animals," "To taste the exotic plate, the boy made a gesture of repulsion that was immediately warned by the rest of the Diners," "the idea of swimming in polluted river causes me a massive revulsion".
You can associate the repulsion to the asco or disgust. A person raised in a Western country can feel repulsion by the idea of eating insects. In other Nations, on the other hand, these animals are part of the daily diet and are not related to an unpleasant feeling.
It is often said that feels repulsion to be in contact with something very dirty or waste. An individual who should walk barefoot over feces probably will feel a huge repulsion.
Repulsion may also be moral. In this case, which causes repulsion is what is opposite to the eigenvalues. A woman may feel repulsion for another who abandons his newborn son on the street since he has no desire to take care of it. How to protect the descendants form part of what is accepted as natural and correct, the abandonment causes aversion.
It is possible to consider, in certain contexts, that repulsion occurs even at the social level. To transcend the story of a man who killed his son and then ate his remains, an entire community can experience repulsion regarding this macabre behavior.

Meaning of Repulsion

repulsion s. f.
1. feeling of repugnance toward something.
2 rejection or opposition.
3. force that tends to separate one body of another or not support it in its own mass or composition.

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