Popular expressions based on the Bible


Many common expressions of the most diverse languages, that s used daily in circles of different level and origin, have their roots and the Bible, but for most it's phrases, part of the popular language.
* 'Money is the root of all evil', 1 Timothy (6:9).
' * ' Eye for an eye, tooth for tooth ", exodus (21:23). "Its continuation not been used: ' hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, bruise by bruise".
* "Manna from heaven", exodus (16:14).
* 'God save the King', 1 Samuel (10:24).
* 'There is nothing new under the Sun,' Ecclesiastes (1:9).
* "Double-edged sword", proverbs (5:4).
* "The girl of your dreams", proverbs (7:2).
* ' Snow white ', Isaiah (1-18). "
* As a lamb to the slaughter ', Isaiah (53:7).
* "Wolf in sheep's clothing ', Matthew (7:15)." A fable of Aesop refers to the same concept. The Greek slave was born around 622 a. c. - "Nobody is Prophet in his own land", Matthew (13:59). Expression for how Jesus is rejected in Nazareth to the question shocked residents if the son of the Carpenter was possible all that was going on in your lathe. What Jesus said to them:
' *' Only at his home and in his homeland is disparaged the prophet ".
* "Narrow and long is the way of life ', Matthew (7:14)."
* "Search and find", Matthew (7:7).
' * ' The right hand doesn't know what the left hand does ", Matthew (6:3). "In fact the term is attributed to Jesus and is: ' don't let your right hand know what your left", meaning that when a good deed is done, the Act must be preserved for our interior.
' * ' The truth will set you free ", Matthew (8:32). * ' Born again ', San Juan (3:3). "
* 'Cast the first stone', St. John (8:7).
* ' The prodigal son ', Luke (1 1 l). "
* 'Eat, takes and be happy,' Ecclesiastes (8:15).
*"Vanity of vanities. All is vanity! ", Ecclesiastes (1:2)."
* Put stones on the road ', Roman (14:13).
* "See through a dark or clouded glass ', 1 Corinthians (13:12)."
* ' In the twinkling of an eye ', 1 Corinthians (15:52).
* ' Where is death, your victory? Where your sting?', 1 Corinthians (15:55).
* "Better to give than to receive ', acts of the Apostles (20: 34)."
' * ' Put words in the mouth of another ", Samuel (14:3).
' * ' Put the House in order ", 2 Kings (20:1).
' * ' A Leopard cannot change its spots ", Jeremiah (1 3: 23).
* "Fall from grace", Galatians (5:4).
Article translated for educational purposes from: Planeta Sedna