History of the anzuelito

Parables and Illustrations for Values Education

Contents Illustrations and Parables

This story, unattributed, is a sign of creativity which have some vendors and the kind of reasons that serve to achieve results in a given situation.
A fellow decides to look for work in a large tent by departments in a mall in Orlando, Florida. It will interview with the human resources manager who asks him:
-Do you have any experience in sales?
The paisano answers:-Yes, worked a while in Las Playitas market, selling clothes.
Cae Manager in grace and hires him.
-Friday morning then begins its work. At the time of the closure, I come to know how went it - says the head.
Ultimately be lifted the day, Manager low and asks:-how many sales did you today?
The paisa responds:-a solita, pattern.
-How what a single sale? But if the average of were in this store is 30 or 40 a day! Do you think that I can hire salespeople who only have a sale a day?-answer iracundo Chief.
-Yes, pattern, but I made a sale - responding fearfully the paisano.
-A sale! Well, and what value was the sale? A dollar even? -question angry and cynical e! Chief.
-Chief, the sale was for $200,000.
-do $200,000? And what Ray was what sold? -the Chief exclaims incredulously.
-Good pattern, although it won't so I believe; look at her story. Wine a client and I attended. It is that first I sold him a small anzuelito. After sold it two large hooks and then one of those fish-shaped, all colorful. But I told him that the hooks were so good and so fine that they deserved a fine fishing rod, and thus you sold girls reeds and a huge fishing rod. I then sold him the box hooks greatest we have, that 130 types of hooks.
I also sold three kinds of bait, leather gloves, a jacket, a fisherman's Cap and a special vest. He could not go without his pants for the water.
And as all that not he was going to carry in the hand then I sold also a beautiful pouch for fishing articles. As it was half cloudy I told him to be careful of the rain and I sold him a pair of boots and a rain cap, a whole waterproof, including the umbrella. We got to talking and neither had flashlight and radio, so it was that, in addition to the water-proof cell. I asked him where he fished and told me that he liked fishing for sea, I then offered him a boat with outboard motor that also bought.
I also sold all the refrigerators and cooling system for storing fish, full battery of pans and BBQ for cooking, as well as throughout a game of condiments and sauces.
When it was going I said: "But this big boat I will scratch my car". Then I offered him a pickup truck Land Rover 4 x 4 special to carry boats, which loved it, so that thus did not have any problem on the journey by road to the port. As he had to leave the car there, install you next-generation alarms and safety equipment. And as fisheries as offshore also decided to take a few networks. It could not miss the whisky, additional food and ice, which also sold them is, as a suggestion to mine decided to invite three of his best friends.
The head, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, says angry means:-and you believe me to my so (...) to believe him that he sold a boat with outboard motor and a pickup truck 4 x 4 new and all that a client who came to buy a pair of anzuelitos?
-Do hooks? No, no, no head. See explain you: type this what came to buy was a sanitary pads for his wife and I said to him: "since ruined you the weekend... why not be going fishing?".
Translated for educational purposes