Aesop's Fables: Wolf fed up and the sheep

Aesop's Fables
and classic Fables

Aesop's Fables with lessons and morals

A Wolf hartado food and without hunger, saw a sheep lying on the ground. Taking account that had collapsed simply of terror, approached him, and reassuring her promised to let her go if she told him three truths.
Then said the sheep than the first is that I would prefer him not found; the second, which as you already found it, would have liked to find it blind; and by the third truth said:
-Hopefully, all the evil wolves, die bad death, since, without having received evil any of us, give us a cruel war!
Wolf acknowledged the reality of those truths and let go to the sheep.

Always supported walking in the truth, and it will open the ways of success, even among opponents.

Translated for educational purposes