The wisdom of the old Abbess - Parables to teach values

Parables and stories
to teach values

Contents Parables and stories to teach values

They have chronic old which, in times of the Crusades, had a monastery headed by an Abbess of great wisdom in Normandy. More than a hundred nuns lived on it delivered to prayer, work and service to God.
One day, the Bishop of the place went to the monastery to ask the Abbess that you bring in from one of their nuns to preach in the region.
The Abbess gathered his Council and after long reflection and consultation, decided to prepare for such a noble mission to the sister Clara, a young novice full of virtue, intelligence and other unique qualities.
The mother Abbess sent to study, and the sister Clara spent long years in the library of the monastery and was outstanding disciple of the best teachers of the time. When he returned, all the nuns praised his erudition and the mastery of his speech.
He was to kneel before the Abbess and asked eagerly:
-Can I can already go to preach, Rev. mother?
The old Abbess looked at it deep into his eyes and seemed to him to discover that there was more response than questions in the minds of the sister Clara.
-Not yet - told, and sent her to work in the garden.
He was there from sunrise to sunset for several months, enduring the winter frosts and the stifling heat of the summer. Tore off stones and brambles, cared carefully each of the strains of the vineyard, she learned to expect the growth of seeds and to recognize, by the ascent of SAP, timely pruning fruit trees. It acquired another kind of wisdom; but still it wasn't enough.
The mother Abbess sent to the goal. Every day heard the pleas of the beggars who came to ask for a plate of food, and the complaints of the farmers exploited by the Lord of the Castle. His heart was burning desire for justice.
But the mother Abbess considered that it was not yet ready.
He then sent her to cross paths with a family of saltimbanques. He lived in the wagon, helped them to assemble their stage in the squares of the villages, eating berries and wild strawberries, and sometimes had to sleep in the open, under the stars. He learned to tell riddles and jokes, make puppets, and recite romances and poems as the minstrels.
When he returned to the monastery, he wore with them songs on the lips and laughed like children.
-I can already go to preach, mother?
-Not yet, my daughter. Go to pray.
The sister Clara spent long time in a solitary Hermitage on the Hill. When he returned, he wore the Transfigured spirit of silence.
-Now the time has come?
No, still not had arrived. It had declared an epidemic of plague, and the sister Clara was sent to take care of the extreme penitence and charity. It ensured during nights the sick and wept bitterly to bury many of them plunged into the mystery of life and death.
When the plague weakened, she herself fell ill of sadness and exhaustion and was cared for by a family in the village. She learned to be weak and feel small, was left wanting and help and regained peace.
When he returned to the monastery, the mother Abbess regarded with affection and found her more human and vulnerable. He had the serene look and the heart full of faces and names.
-Now, my daughter, now Yes.
He accompanied her to the great gate of the monastery, and there blessed it imposing hands. And while the bells played the Angelus, the sister Clara began to walk down the Valley to announce the Gospel there.
(Taken from Ma. Dolores Aleixandre, "Circles in the water". Sal Terrae)
In this beautiful story, we can find the main features of the genuine educator, seeding of life and militant of hope: need Yes, serious research and solid training. But also, knowing and sharing the life and works of the workers and peasants and acquire the deep wisdom of the simplicity that springs from the contact with life and nature. It is also necessary that his heart shake with a passion for Justice and assume her profession as a mission of service to the life of the weakest. You need to learn to laugh and making people laugh, make child, take life as a party. And need especially chiseling his heart in service to the needy and become a lowly and weak, capable of receiving help and love, to only that it can provide to others.
Educator of hearts, missionary of hopes, in this story have a way for your permanent training...

Translated for educational purposes.