Definition and Meaning periphery | Concept and Importance of periphery

The etymological origin of the term periphery lies in Latin peripherĭa although it has antecedents in the Greek language. The concept refers to what surrounds a particular Centre, as an area, an outline or a perimeter. Are basically the surroundings.

Examples: "my girlfriend lives on the edge: everyday, I travel two hours by train to watch", "the President doesn't listen to those who live on the periphery: communicates only with those who form the core of the Government's most chic", "the man recommended to Mariana not to walk alone on the outskirts of the neighborhood".

The most frequent use of the concept relates to the geography and urban organization. It is understood that the periphery is the region which is on the outskirts of a given Center. In this way, a neighborhood or a city always has a periphery around: "this pub lies on the outskirts of St. George", "I don't think I can walk to hospital: lies on the outskirts, about five miles away."

The periphery, on the other hand, can also be symbolic. Take the case of a municipal government: it can be said that the President and the Ministers form the nucleus of power, while the Secretaries and other officials find themselves on the periphery. Consequently, the decision-making process takes place within the nucleus, and peripheral areas.

For geometry, the periphery is the circumference of a figure composed of curves. The longest segment that runs through the Center and links two points in this circumference is called diameter.

Translated for educational purposes.

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