Meaning & Definition of Moral (Concept / What is)

What is the Moral?

The definition of morality can range from different perspectives, since its scope ranges from the sense, through the philosophy to a more religious stance. Broadly speaking, from the philosophical point of view, it is that set of beliefs and values that dictate norms and customs that guide people toward good acting, already is the set of beliefs that distinguish between good and evil to perform a certain act. The branch of philosophy that studies the moral is "ethics".
From a rather religious perspective, the intent that the faithful do not think morality is made as those prohibitions imposed by God, but rather, concerned to live and develop our lives in love of God and neighbor. In order to achieve better understanding of the above, are presented as a guide the 10 commandments, since they indicate what is true love: wish and do good to others and if same.
On the other hand, morals, when referring to the person, is essential to consider the human dignity. Thus, morality would be the way of being and of living respecting and promoting the dignity of man at all times.
From another point of view, less linked to the faith, morality continues being something quite similar, becoming the consciousness of freedom of the human being, through which their actions are judged as good or bad. In general terms, morality is that set of expected values in everyone, which include respect for human dignity and the equality of persons, around his gender and before the law.
All religions and beliefs develop ways individual but similar view and carry out the morality, however, in all cases, there are 3 key elements of morality: the chosen object, the objective to be pursued and the context in which it takes place. Although the circumstances do not change in essence the goodness or badness of any act, what if they do is increase or decrease its moral quality.
Translated for educational purposes.
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