Stars visible (2) | Earth, Solar System and Universe.
Markab: Star of the constellation of Perseus, belonging to the spectral type A and whose magnitude has a value of 2.6.
Menkar: Star of the constellation of the whale, which has a magnitude 2 and forms a triangular figure with Aldebaran, and Rigel.
Mira Ceti: Star of spectral type M, belonging to the constellation of the whale. It is the prototype of the variable stars of long period, with amplitudes and irregular periods.
Mirach or Mirak: Star of spectral type M and magnitude 2.4, belonging to the constellation of Andromeda.
Alpha Persei: Star of the constellation of Perseus. It belongs to the spectral class F and has a magnitude of 1.9. Mizar: double star zeta Ursa Major, which along with Alcor forms a visible couple at a glance. It belongs to the spectral type A and has a magnitude of 2.4. It consists of two unequal components with a gap of 14.5 °.
Pearl: Star of the constellation of the Northern Crown, located 72 light years from Earth. It has a partner who turns to her around with a half-life of 17.4 days.
Pollux or Pollux: Star belonging to the constellation of Gemini, located at 35 light-years, with a magnitude of 1.2 and a luminosity about 34 times greater than the Sun.
Procion: Star of the constellation of the minor Can, located 11 light years from Earth and belongs to the spectral type F. With a magnitude of 0.5, it presents a notable movement (1.25 "per year) and forms a binary system with a magnitude 13.5 classmate. Regulus: Star of the constellation of Leo, located 67 light years from Earth. It has a magnitude of 1.3 and belongs to spectral type B.
Rigel: Star b of the constellation of Orion, located 540 light years from Earth. It has a magnitude of 0.34 and belongs to spectral type B.
RR Lira: variable star, prototype of the kind of Star pulsating końca.
Rukbah: Star of magnitude 2.8 belonging to the constellation of Cassiopeia.
Scheat: Star of the constellation of Pegasus, of magnitude 2.6 b and belongs to the spectral type M.
Schedir, Shedar or Shedir.: Star of the constellation of Cassiopeia. It is a variable belonging to the spectral type K, whose magnitude oscillates between 2.1 and 2.6. Sirio: Star of the greater Can, the brightest in the sky (magnitude 1.58). It belongs to the spectral type A and form a double set with another white dwarf star (Sirius B), 50 years.
Sirrah: Star of the constellation of Andromeda, of magnitude 2.2 and belongs to the spectral type A.
Tolimán: Star of the constellation of the Centaur. It is a dual system, in which one of the components is very similar to the Sun.
Trapeze: Star multiple q of the constellation of Orion, whose four main components have magnitudes 6, 7, 7 and 7.5, immersed in the great Orion Nebula (M 42).
Vega: Star of the constellation of the Lira, the brightest of the northern sky. Located at 26 light-years from Earth, it belongs to the spectral type A and has a magnitude of 0.14. It was Polaris 14,000 years ago and will again be within 12,000. Translation for educational purposes authorized by: Astronomía: Tierra, Sistema Solar y Universo