Essure, permanent contraception

Every day, the medicine is concerned to improve the quality of life of women, and therefore, research on new contraceptive methods. This search is Essure, an effective and irreversible method.


What is Essure?

Essure is a barrier contraceptive method, i.e., prevents the egg and sperm are physically. In addition, this method of birth control does not contain hormones.
It is a small spring of titanium 4 cm long, which is inserted into the fallopian tubes to obstruct them and not let pass the egg to the sperm, and thus prevent fertilization and pregnancy.
This small titanium device is placed through a procedure called Hysteroscopy. And what is all the work placement? It is very simple, there are no cuts or incisions, it is to introduce, through the vagina, passing through the neck of the uterus, a camera (hysteroscope) along with other device guide specialist within the uterine cavity to be able to see clearly and be able to implant the Essure in the area of the corresponding tube.
This procedure is not done under general anesthesia, but under mild sedation, during which the woman is asleep, but breathing on her own. In addition, the procedure has a short duration, about 15 minutes.
This contraceptive method takes three months to be effective, so it is recommended to use other types of contraception (which is not the IUD) during this time.

How is Essure

Essure is a small device of fibers of polyester, alloy, titanium, nickel and stainless steel, 4 cm extension and 0.8 mm in thickness, which is inserted into the fallopian tubes using a hysteroscope. This mini device (Essure) remains inside each of the tubes causing that the male and female gametes cannot be found.
In addition, to be in the tube and after several weeks, the device, thanks to the fibers of polyester and interacting with your body, creates a more progressive obstruction, since they do grow a tissue (fibrosis) that cover the trunk. In addition, these small Springs may also cause adhesions and local inflammation, even more by dabbing the fallopian tubes.
After three months of introducing Essure checks that the obstruction is complete by performing a test called hysterosalpingogram (HSG). This test consists of the introduction through the cervix of a liquid of contrast, which filled the uterus and passes through the fallopian tubes. This procedure is realized through X ray. The HSG is a procedure that does not require sedation and that has a duration of a few minutes.
It is important to remember that both the placement of Essure and hysterosalpingography are procedures that must be performed, always, by a specialist physician (radiologist or gynaecologist).

Advantages and disadvantages of Essure

Like all medical procedures, Essure has its pros and cons. I explain them you then that may be you who decide, ultimately, if you want to use it or not as a contraceptive method.
But before I'd like to tell you that there is a quality of Essure which can be seen as an advantage, but also become a disadvantage, depending on what women want in their reproductive future: Essure is an irreversible method, so it is essential that the decision to have recourse to it is very thoughtful.

Benefits of Essure

· It is irreversible, you won't have to worry anymore contraception if it is the decision taken after think about it you have.
· It has a high rate of effectiveness (99.8%).
· It contains no hormones or any inconvenience this causes.
· It is an ambulatory surgery and of very short duration. Without the use of general anesthesia.
· It is not necessary to postoperative, the day following can make normal life.

Disadvantages of Essure

· It is irreversible. In the case of wanting to become pregnant in the future, you would have to resort to fertilization in Vitro (IVF).
· During the three months following the placement of Essure, you must use another birth control method, because it is not effective during this time.
· Being a very new method, is less experienced and therefore less women who have used it and fewer studies in this regard.
· This method does not protect from diseases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
· Three months after the procedure, the woman has to undergo a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) - see the previous point.

Possible side effects of Essure

Like any surgical procedure, can be to produce side effects to the placement of the Essure, so it is important to know them to make the right decision:
· Some women may experience cramps, bleeding and nausea after the intervention.
· Fainting or dizziness after the procedure.
· Changes may occur in your menstrual cycle.
· In some cases, you may need more than three months to run the method.
· An allergic reaction may occur to any of the materials of the implants.
· A misplacing of the Essure, you can result in discomfort in women.
· During the placement procedure, there may be problems in the insertion of Essure, causing holes in the uterus.
· The implant, after its distribution, may be expelled.
· It can occur during the insertion procedure two grafts may not be placed during the first procedure and you have to repeat it.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness