Macronutrients: water


Water is the main component of our body, representing two-thirds of it. At birth, approximately 75% of our body is water and in adulthood this percentage decreases to approximately 60%.
It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless, still drink liquid. Meets numerous functions in our body, since the temperature control to its intervention in numerous metabolic processes.

Functions of water in the body

We can distinguish various functions of water, including the following:
  • Undertakes to transport nutrients to cells inside, at the same time helping to eliminate the waste of these products.
  • It is involved in the digestion of nutrients.
  • Help the dissolution thereof together with the digestion through hydrolysis.
  • It intervenes in Add volume and shape to the cells. Because the water inside of them exerts a pressure giving them form proper.
  • It avoids the friction joint.
  • Maintains body temperature through perspiration.
  • It is the liquid medium where is found dissolved all bodily fluids as blood, urine, stool, digestive secretions, etc.

Water in diet

It is difficult to define the needs of water in our body, since they depend on several factors, such as:

  • Each person's individual needs.
  • The environmental conditions to which the individual is subject.
  • Physiological or pathological conditions.
The importance of water consumption is vital, in fact, a person can survive more than one month without eating, but you can only spend a few days without drinking water.
It is very important to consume one sufficient amount of water each day for the proper functioning of the body and the Elimination of waste from the cellular metabolism.
We need about three liters of water a day as a minimum, of which half collect it from food intake and meals, and the other half (approximately eight vessels) get through beverages such as water, juices, soft drinks, etc.

Cases in which the consumption of water should be increased

There are certain situations or moments in life where the needs of drinking water increases as they are:
  • When we have a fever.
  • In places where there is a high ambient temperature.
  • When is intense physical exercise.
  • Women in nursing.
  • In cases of diabetes Decompensated.
In these cases, should boost consumption of water to avoid dehydration.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness