Prenatal stimulation, your benefits

Communicate and play with your baby since it is in the womb has many advantages for your physical and mental health, and prepares you to adapt to his new life. You will learn what is prenatal stimulation.

Prenatal stimulation

Did you know that talking to your baby when you are in your gut, tell him that you want to see the face, caress you belly and listening to music are very simple but effective ways to stimulate sensory and emotional capacity?
Prenatal stimulation consists of various techniques and exercises that you can work the development of the brain of the fetus, since it has been observed that it increases neural connections. This is their main objective, but these actions also gets the baby's physical, emotional and social development, as well as the emotional bonding with parents.
Prenatal stimulation to ensure maximum benefits, in addition to influencing the senses and emotions of the baby, the well-being of the mother-to-be, must work because his affective state will directly influence the development of the fetus. It is also important that the father is involved in this work, by which, from the outset, the woman should do it part of pregnancy and of the evolution of the baby.
According to Rosa Granero, psychologist expert in early and collaborative care of Center Monica Carreño matrons, "first-time parents are showing more interest in prenatal stimulation and spend much more time to do it right."

Does prenatal stimulation have scientific basis?

Prenatal stimulation is included in what is known as prenatal and perinatal psychology, branch of psychology of work this period of human development. It is very developed in European countries like Germany and the United Kingdom, and also in the United States, and is gradually beginning to take off in Spain in the hands of the Spanish Association of Perinatal Psychology (AOS).
This specialization helps women in preconception, gestational and postnatal stage to achieve greater physical and mental well-being that will affect the baby's health. And, it is shown that the fetus begins to develop their sensory and emotional capacities in the womb, and therefore is should seek to make this environment in a suitable place.
There are many studies that support that prenatal work has broad benefits to the fetus, and that can be the different senses (sight, hearing, taste and touch) and emotions, on all links with parents and with the outside world, with simple exercises.

Benefits of prenatal stimulation

The prenatal stimulation offers benefits both baby and mother. Rosa Granero, explains psychologist expert in early and collaborative care of Center Monica Carreño matrons, "prenatal stimulation is the possibility of creating a physical and emotional environment that promotes the health and well-being of the fetus", which is crucial for their physical and psychological development. But this benefit is achieved by working with the mother from the beginning of pregnancy, whereupon she will also be able to take advantage of these exercises.

Benefits for the mother

Some women tend to live the first trimester of pregnancy with some stress because of all the changes that are taking place in your body and in your personal situation, and even professional. It is the time of assimilation and is not always easy. As a result of this stress, the body secretes certain hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) that can adversely affect the development of the fetus (preterm, irritable children weighing less than normal, hyperactivity, increased susceptibility to colic). "Prenatal stimulation helps reduce the levels of these hormones that cause stress and alertness, and replaced by endorphins (hormone of happiness), which predisposes to having babies more awake, curious, relaxed, less weeping, easier for concentrate, or more flexible to interact with environment-minded", says Rosa Granero.
Although at this stage when the pregnant woman is often tense, prenatal stimulation is advisable in any period of pregnancy in which they have to deal with concerns, for example in the second trimester women tend to be worried about the State of health of the baby, and in Q3 they are usually nervous because approaching the moment of childbirththerefore "with very simple exercises, women can mitigate this uneasiness and get relax, which will favour the development of the future baby," says the psychologist.

Benefits to the fetus

On the other hand, are activities directed exclusively to the fetus. In this regard, there are indications that babies that have been stimulated prenatally, have a score of ten points higher IQ with regard to babies who have had similar social conditions but have not been stimulated.
According to this expert, the senses of the baby should begin to work from the fourth month to be optimal. Thus, in general, favors brain development and encouraged the sensory receptors, but there are many other specific benefits:
· It increases the safety of the babies.
· It reinforces the emotional bond with parents.
· It facilitates the adaptation to the outside world, reducing the anxiety of the baby when it is born.
· It improves the balance.
· It predisposes to have children more peaceful, curious, awake...
To achieve these benefits, it is important that stimulation exercises are carried out in due course because "the areas of the brain have their level of maturity and if we stimulate until they are ready we run the risk that, while there is the learning and achievement of that function, will never be as optimal as make it when the timing of maturation", indicates Rosa Granero.
This expert also argues that excessive stimulation of the baby is counterproductive, and that to prevent this from happening the parents should try not to become obsessed with this topic and alternating moments of tranquility and activity. "You must be aware of what is important, pay a little attention to the environment, remember to baby, and connect to it."

Techniques of prenatal stimulation for the well-being of the mother

Although the final beneficiary of prenatal stimulation is the fetus, there are techniques aimed at the welfare of the mother, reporting indisputable advantages to the baby.
The activities aimed at the well-being of pregnant women are especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Among them are:
· Gymnastics for pregnant women (walking, swimming, stretching...). These exercises may not pose an effort too much even for the pregnant woman or to the fetus; they must promote respiration and flexibility, and work the appropriate muscles to support weight gain is going to produce. With them you get improve mood, maintain agility, and sleep and rest better.
· Yoga. This activity allows the woman connected with his own body and help take confidence despite the changes.
· Pamper yourself. Pregnant women have to do activities that will please you and make you feel good. It should work with exercises that are easy to take in their everyday lives: massages, relaxing bath, listening to music, etc. In this way increases the feeling of wellbeing and pleasure, which will transmit to the baby through the endorphins or hormones of happiness.
· Stimulation through daily routines. Exercise at certain times of the day, for example listen to music at bedtime, favors the person gets used to having a routine at a certain time of the day, getting the baby to learn to associate stimuli (are you is indicating with this exercise, when the mother listening to music it will always spend the same)assimilate changes (we are in a State of more stress, but I listen to music and relax the body of my mother), and prepare for the birth, for the changes that will occur when it is born.

Techniques of prenatal stimulation for the senses of the baby

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy prenatal stimulation techniques are made directly to work the emotional and sensory capabilities of the fetus, and the stimulation of the senses of the babywill work. At 16 weeks of gestation, the fetus can already perceive bright lights, with which visual stimulation can start. A fourth month the senses of touch and taste of the baby are already well developed. And from the fifth month, will begin with the auditory techniques.
It is recommended alternate exercises. Work a day a touch exercise and massage, and other days employ techniques auditory or Visual; so you should go combining according to consider, without losing sight that "the most important stimulus is communicate with baby, talk and send positive messages about the wait. It is also crucial to create a proper, peaceful, happy and pleasant climate in the family", emphasizes the psychologist expert in early and collaborative care of Center Monica Carreño matrons, Rosa Granero.
Visual techniques
· Games with a flashlight. With the flashlight on, bring it closer and away from the gut. You can also make smooth movements so the baby can follow the light.
· Uncover the tummy seconds to soak up the Sun.
With these exercises cognitive stimulation works, stimulates the eye retina in order that go adapting to light, and prepares you for the birth because it works so you distinguish between clarity out of the gut and the darkness that exists in the womb). Also stimulates their curiosity and attention.
Auditory techniques
From the fifth month ear reacts to the voice of the mother. In this sense, there are studies of the 1980s, as the of the psychologist Anthony De Casper, that corroborate that unborn child it already has the ability to perceive and remember speech sounds and recognize a narrative that has heard repeatedly from the uterus. Therefore, to stimulate the hearing you can perform different activities:
· Listen to music at a suitable volume helps the fetus to connect with the outside world, and to encourage learning and the development of the intellect. Depending on the type of music the baby will lead in one way or another. "Listen to soft music's reassuring him, the instrumentation is the most advisable; Baroque music increases the concentration and music more intense, for example rock, excites you,"says the psychologist Rosa Granero.
· Talk to the baby several times a day, for example, in the morning and at night, and a more dilated after lunch time. This would stimulate the senses, as well as develop their intelligence and work the emotional link. "Talk to the baby wanted and expected which is and convey expected him lovingly and which is a desired arrival, it will impact positively on the development, on the understanding, especially emotionally;" also is having a calmer baby", says the expert.
· Listening to nature sounds. Most of the time the routine of every day we deprived of sounds from our environment. Be aware of sounds and silences helps the fetus to connect with the outside world, in such a way that when born the adaptation will be more simple. It is a preparation for the birth.
Techniques to stimulate touch
· Pat the belly with the palms of the hands.
· Touch the belly with fingers in different positions.
· Massage the belly with the knuckles using circular movements.
· Play with the baby. When baby gives a kick is available to answer by pressing gently on the area where it has been hit. This creates an interaction, and in addition the link works.
· Using different textures, pass a bristle brush or a soft brush.
Techniques to stimulate the taste
We noted that the fetus is able to distinguish different flavors. In fact, there are studies showing that the baby reacts to the taste of amniotic fluid substances.
Motor techniques
With these techniques work especially the balance through the different body positions of the mother, and perception and discrimination of the movement, to be able to differentiate when the mother is in motion and when the baby stopped.
· Swing on a swing.
· Practice swimming.
· Performs dancing slow and gentle.

Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness