Retirement, how to adapt to this vital stage?

The end of working life is a respite for some, but for others can be the beginning of a difficult period, where they do not feel useful or valued. Our psychologist advises you how to adapt and take advantage.

Retirement, how to deal with it

We understand as retirement discontinuance active due to age or work situations working life or health which require us to pass it. Types of existing retirement (voluntary or involuntary, advance or marked, complete or partial time) will influence how we affect this new stage in the succession of different aspects. Among them, is perhaps the loss of professional role, which in some cases leads to a loss of recognition, one of the main implications of retirement. It is common that such loss of recognition is associated also to a loss of status with the consequent reduction of income so it is not surprising that retirement involves an important emotional stress or a loss of self-esteem.
Notable changes in interpersonal relationships can occur also at this time. That is why many people fear retirement. But, it is so negative to retire? If we turn the tide we see as removal Professional is also accompanied in many situations positive as rest, take advantage of the downtime, to devote yourself to those activities that you kept your job, travel or stay at home, be with your loved ones, live as you want... Yes "live".
Why not keep because side positive? To see it in this way, there are a series of steps and tips to follow. It is a matter of knowing how to adapt gradually to the new situation

Stages of adaptation to retirement

To be able to enjoy retirement the individual pass progressively through different phases, not being up to the last where the ex-worker accept truth that is retired and start enjoying this stage. The phases that we refer to are:
· Honeymoon: occupies the first days immediately after retirement. The worker feels like vacation but without the pressure to see how just days. Plans and high expectations about what is going to do can bring how consistent you feel happy to be retired.
· Disappointment or hyperactivity or asthenia: past the first month can be that things do not start as expected. Sadness or frustration, which sometimes is to counteract the hyperactivity, while in other cases the individual is immersed in an important apathy appears.
· Reorientation: the previous stage requires the individual to seek new answers more realistic and adjusted to their new situation. This shift in thinking will bring an important and necessary behavior change.
· Accommodation to the current situation: progressively the individual agrees that he is retired and successfully adapts to your situation reaching a balance between its capabilities and resources.

The emotional impact of retirement

To make a proper assessment of what awaits us in the stage of retirement and so have appropriate expectations, it is important to know the good and bad consequences that can bring different circumstances of our lives. Some of the side effects more or less frequent retirement are described below:
· Negative consequences: stress associated with changing habits and the reduction of income, sadness accompanied by apathy associated to the melancholy of what lies behind and in some cases may be similar to the depressive symptomatology (loneliness, reduction of self-esteem...), loss of self-worth, changes (usually reduction) of social relations, reluctance caused by boredom. These changes, in some cases joined her physical health problems which makes, along with difficulty to enjoy outside of work tasks, retired person feel you don't have control of your own life or the world that surrounds him.
· Positive consequences: finally comes the tranquillity and rest as desired and deserved. More free time allows you to enjoy different activities, spend more time with the family, etc. Increases physical and emotional well-being. On the other hand, several studies argue that retirement increases the bonds of union with the couple, provided that both members already had well before retirement.

Risk factors for a bad retirement

There are some variables that can increase the likelihood of a bad adaptation to retirement:
· A negative attitude and inappropriate expectations.
· The presence of several stressors present at the time of retirement: health, economic problems, bad relationships, poor relationship with the children, dependent persons in charge, etc.
· It was a forced and not anticipated retirement.
· Have a low net of social support and decrease of social relationships after retirement.
· Inactivity and lack of tasks that occupy the time.
· Be unmarried, widowed or divorced. Married people are best suited.
· Low educational level; a better adaptation there is the higher is the level of education.

How to have a positive retirement

In general, we adapt better to what we have chosen or we hope to happen. Therefore, as a preventative measure main, most advisable is to have well-planned retirement. At the same time, it is important to get adequate income which guarantee us a certain peace of mind, so it is essential to reach a good agreement with the company.
But regardless of what our company can do for us, will be crucial that we ensure ourselves. Therefore we will have to look after our health following medical recommendations and maintaining an active lifestyle, something that undoubtedly will impact positively on our emotional state.
One of the best tricks for retirement not overflow us coup is perform activities of retirement while still being worked on, a year or two before retiring permanently, so know better how our life will be like retirees and we will adapt to it more easily.
Retirement is not the end, but the next step to the continuum of work that now get to reap the fruits of many years of dedication
It is also important that we gather from friends, family and people that we want to maintain positive social relationships. A good idea to do this is to sign up, alone or with your partner or a friend, to an association whose activities interest you (whether these sports, cultural, artistic...). A trip, change routine and environment also helps to overcome the stage of transition from working life to retirement, as well as favoring the personal relationships and enable you to meet new friends groups.
On the other hand, if you've always wanted it and your circumstances allow you is the time to make those dreams or plans you had in mind for this stage, going to live in this place that so long you've been thinking about your work not allowed you, and devote more time to a particular hobby. In relation to this fact, try to plan your new activities involving the rest of the members of your family.
Some course (never too late to learn new things) or even teach yourself what you know to others (as a teacher, guide, Assistant in courses, volunteering...) will help you autovalorarte better and feel good with yourself.
And remember that it is time to dedicate himself to the couple and retrieve flame and lost work time. Now it is possible that you are alone at home (with the emancipated sons) and without so many responsibilities, so that you can resume your relationship with calm and passion.
In short, it changes the approach; retirement is not the end, but the next step to the continuum of work that now get to reap the fruits of many years of dedication.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness