Beverages and obesity

Currently, consumption and diversity of drinks is on the rise. Many of these calories, that we don't even take into account as part of your daily intake.

These calories that provide liquids addition to calories from the foods from the diet and contribute to the excessive consumption of energy, which is related to the occurrence of overweight, obesity and diabetes.

In addition, fluids in general have little power of satiety and wake up poor dietary compensation mechanisms. Studies have been conducted on appetite indicate that liquids have less ability to produce satiety (feeling of fullness), than solid foods. Body does not record fluid intake, so it does not record the calories they provide and there is no effect of regulation for the next meal. It is expected then, drinking beverages that contain calories to be linked with the overload of calories they are eating some people and their effects on the occurrence of overweight and diseases associated with this disorder.

If you would like to add them to our diet?

A healthy diet consumed liquids do not have why provide calories, nor serve to cover nutritional requirements, as they are foods. The end of drinking water, as well as of the majority of drinks, is used for the water requirements of the people.

By virtue of the increase of overweight, obesity and diabetes and proliferation in the beverage market, have established recommendations for the consumption of drinks. Below are the recommendations according to the type of drinks:

Group I: water

Water consumption is necessary for metabolism, physiological functions and can provide essential minerals. The lack of water in the body can affect cognitive processes, causes changes in mood, decreases the thermal regulation, reduces cardiovascular function and affects the physical work capacity. In addition, chronic dehydration increases the risk of stones in the kidneys and bladder cancer. Drinking water has no adverse effects, for this reason is considered the healthiest choice for attaining a proper hydration.

Group II: Low fat and no fat, beverages without added sugar soy milk

Milk numerous benefits and also some damages are attributed. There are studies that investigated the relationship between milk and weight control. However, food guidelines (USDA 2005) conclude that enough evidence that the consumption of milk reduce or prevent weight gain there is not. What if there is evidence, is the positive effect of the consumption of milk in the risk of fractures. For his part, containing soy products are developing rapidly. Recommended consumers check nutritional labeling and pay attention to the calorie and sugar content, since many of them contain them.

Group III: Coffee and tea (infusions) sugar-free

Tea (no sugar added): the consumption of these beverages has increased in recent years, so it could become an important contribution of water. In addition, investigations have indicated the positive effect that the flavonoids and antioxidants, as well as micronutrients, containing them to health.

Coffee: Despite having numbers studies on the effects of coffee on the body, yet is has not reached any consensus on the association between the consumption of coffee with the decrease of the risk of diabetes, colon cancer and Parkinson (in man). Others on the contrary, support that high doses of coffee are linked to the increased risk of suicide and cardiovascular disease. However, found that the habit of boiling coffee directly in the water and not filter it first, increases the concentrations of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, since some compounds in roasted grain, have been identified as factors that elevate it. Some compounds (Diterpenes) are extracted by hot water and are trapped in the filters. Therefore, filtered coffee contains very small amounts of these compounds in comparison with unfiltered preparations and the espresso.

At certain stages of life, during pregnancy, and in older adults, can be affected the sensitivity to caffeine. It is recommended that pregnant women limit their intake, since large quantities of 300 mg per day, has it been linked with an increased risk of miscarriages and low weight at birth.

Also you must highlight, add milk, cream, sugar, sweeteners increase the calories provided by coffee and makes it less recommended for consumption.

Group IV: Drinks not caloricas with artificial sweeteners (coffee, you and diet soft drinks)

These drinks usually provide water and sweet flavour but not energy. In any case, should take into account that certain studies associate their intake with weight loss, when ingested by replacing other calorie drinks. Other authors suggest that the consumption of sweet drinks (sweeteners have much more power to sweeten that same sugar), can influence preferences by the sweet taste and hence the predilection for a certain type of food. These drinks are not recommended for preschool children for school.

Group V: drinks of high value caloric and health benefits limited (juice of fruits, milk, alcoholic beverages and sports drinks)

Fruit juices: provide much of nutrients from the fruit that come, but contain enough calories in proportion (by the addition of sugar) and may have lost the fiber, as well as other nutrients and non-nutrients present in the natural product. American dietary guidelines recommend that no more than one-third of the daily intake of fruit, either in the form of juice. There is a specific need to consume fruit juice; It is recommended the consumption of whole fruit for reasons of satiety and energy balance and to avoid the loss of nutrients and other components derived from the process of blending and subsequent oxidation. It is preferable to then consume the whole fruit and eating no more than half a glass of juice a day.

Whole milk: preserves all of the fat, primarily saturated fat, whose negative effects on health have been widely documented. To have all of the fat provides more power, compared with low-fat or skim milk. It is considered that all individuals older than two years should be replaced whole milk for skim or low-fat (1%) milk, except for those populations where there is high prevalence of malnutrition or in very poor communities.

Sports drinks: these drinks as well their name implies, are designed for athletes or athletes of competencies and its consumption are not useful for other people or children that they do not have high energy demands by exercise or physical activity. We recommend its consumption in any way, except in the case of endurance athletes, since they provide energy and other nutrients that are lost through sweat.

Alcoholic beverages: alcoholic beverages have a relatively high input of energy. However, moderate amounts provide some benefits for adults, mostly in cardiovascular health. We recommend moderate consumption, which would mean no more than two drinks for men and one for women a day.

Likewise, avoid pregnant women their consumption, since it has found that even the ingestion of alcohol in moderate amounts, is related to an increase in the risk of birth defects.

High alcohol consumption is accompanied by other significant health problems, such as liver cirrhosis, hypertension, hemorrhagic stroke, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation and dementia, without all the damage produced by society and families.

Group VI: drinks with sugar and low nutrient content (soft drinks, juices, coffee with sugar, fresh water)

It is recommended that this type of beverages are only used sporadically and in small proportions, since they contain excessive amounts of calories and no or very low nutritional benefits. Beverages-carbonated or non-carbonated, coffee or tea with milk, fruit or soya-based drinks energy drinks Smoothies are included in this group. In the amounts that these drinks are consumed today, they contribute greatly with the epidemic of obesity and diabetes in our populations.

Given the importance of water for the body, the little information that exists in the connection and the alarming increase in the consumption of caloric beverages settled these recommendations, which are committed to a suitable model of consumption of drinks, where dominate the consumption of drinking water and herbal teas, and where the rest of the drinks, do not contribute with more than 10% of daily energy needs.

Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness