Concept and What is: Celibacy | Psychology

Celibacy is the option of life chosen by people of both sexes who decide to live without joining in marriage or relationships with each other. Can be chosen by personal choice or assigned to those who decide to pursue a religious career, being more common in the lives of nuns, bishops and pastors, who according to the Bible determines should live away from the temptations of the flesh, adopting a chaste life.

According to the Bible, the Scriptures mention the will of God for pastors and bishops: "it is necessary that the Bishop is beyond reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober, orderly, hospitable, able to teach someone who is beyond reproach, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissolution, nor are disobedient." (1 Timothy 3: 2-Titus 1: 6)

Reports of the Bible show that at some point the Apostle Paul rebuked celibacy: "... a few apostarão of faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, the hypocrisy of men who speak lies and have his own conscience seared, prohibiting marriage, and ordered abstinence from food ..." (I Tm 4.1-3) to ... "Have, in fact, the appearance of wisdom, in voluntary worship, feigned humility, and severity to the body, but do not have any value on the satisfaction of the flesh." (Col. 2.23).

After the beginning of Christianity, Apostles and shepherds, intermarried and were usually family.

Celibacy had its origin in the Roman clergy, after 304 a.d. in the Councils of Elvira and Nicaea which had forbidden religious ministers marry after ordination. The Catholic Church adopted the celibacy of priests and nuns in the middle ages, to defend their heritage, in order to avoid that became object of disputes by heirs, making it mandatory for clergy from 1537, during the papacy of Gregory VII, where a Roman Catholic priest to marry meant in excommunication and was barred from all spiritual functions. A married man who wanted to become a priest, had to leave his wife, and this also had to take the vow of chastity or he could not be ordained priest.

According to the Canon law, the vow of celibacy is broken when the priest marries, but not necessarily when he has sex. The Church of Rome prohibits his priests to marry, but does not interfere in their private life.

The Catholic Church makes celibacy as a way to make the closest religious purpose of Jesus Christ.

Among the religious orders practitioners of celibacy are: Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustinians, Mercedarians and Servite.

In the East, the Orthodox Church encourages the ordering of a married clergy, believing that those who opt for celibacy, do it of my own free will.
Translated for educational purposes.
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