Concept and What is: Libido | Psychology

The word libido is of Latin origin and means desire or longing. The libido is characterized as a usable energy to the instincts of life. According to Freud's studies the human being has a separate power source for each of the General instincts. For Freud, the production, increase, decrease, the distribution or the offset of the libido provides the possibility to explain the phenomena psicossexuais.

Mobility is an important feature of the libido, understood as the ease of alternation of an area of attention for another. In the area of sexual desire libido binds the psychological and emotional aspects.

By studying the human desire the philosopher St. Augustine described the libido in three distinct categories: libido sciendi, desire for knowledge, libido, desire, sensual sentiendi and libido dominendi, the desire to dominate.

The energy on the instincts of aggression or of death do not have a specific name like libido (instinct of life). This energy supposedly has the same attributes of libido, though Freud did not elucidate this question.

To study and define the concept of libido Freud also defined the cathexis. According to him the cathexis is the process through which the libidinal energy contained in the psyche is related or applied in mental representation of a person, thing or idea. A libido catexizada loses the original mobility and more move toward new objects, once that becomes ingrained in the psyche that attracted and held it.

As an example of the relationship between libido and cathexis might say: being the libido a cash amount, the cathexis is Act of investing that money. If a portion of the money (libido) was invested (catexizada) and remained in this hypothetical application, getting a smaller amount in the original amount that can be invested elsewhere. Another example can be found in psychoanalytic studies about the mourning by the bereaved person detachment interpret in their normal occupations and the major concern with the recent dead. This can be interpreted as a withdrawal of libido of customary relationships and an extreme cathexis on lost person, thus the Psychoanalytical theory to understand how the libido was improperly catexizada.

Freud argued that the libido was matured through the exchange of the object or goal, arguing that men are "polymorphously perverse", meaning that there is a huge variety of objects which may become a source of pleasure. At the same time that people develop, they too fixate on different objects according to the stage of development: the oral stage (pleasure of infants in lactation); the anal stage (children's pleasure in controlling defecation); and the phallic stage (genital pleasure). In the Freudian conception each stage is a progression to the sexual maturity, characterized by a strong I and the ability to slow the desire for rewards.
Translated for educational purposes.
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