Gelotofobia, teasing panic

The gelotofobia is the pathological fear experienced by a person being the object of derision from others and make the ridiculous. The name derived from the Greek terms - Phobos, fear and gelos, laughter - and is not simply that you do not like that they laugh you - who like?-, but which goes further, so that the affected presents a special sensitivity to the laughter of others, so if it is true that laugh of it or some of its actionsas if they are their own imaginations.
This panic beyond laughter and ridicule becomes so strong that people with gelotofobia suffer anxiety, sweats, tremors and dizziness when they are in a situation in which you believe that others are making a mockery of them. The consequences of this problem are low self-esteem, social isolation, and even depression, so that those affected should be in the hands of a professional, that will help them to gradually confront this fear to overcome it.
People with gelotofobia suffering from anxiety, sweats, tremors and dizziness when they are in a situation in which you believe that others are making a mockery of them
Not to be confused the gelotofobia with the mobbing - harassment in the workplace-, or bullying, term that described a situation in which a child or young person is the victim of aggression or teasing by a companion or companions at school, which can be extended even to the harassment by Internet, known as cyberbullying. Although in these cases the victim may also feel terror against the laughter, it is not because you have excessive sensitivity to ridicule, but because it is really suffering abuse and harassment.

How to prevent the gelotofobia

The gelotofobia usually has its origin in childhood or adolescence, and is frequently associated to situations in which the child has felt that they made fun of him, or has been criticized or despised, good for his physical appearance, or for not knowing anything. Low self-esteem can also generate this phobia to ridicule.
Another trigger for the gelotofobia is school bullying that we mentioned before, since the victim, after being harassed and humiliated, can develop panic to relive something similar and becomes obsessed so that it thinks that any laughter listening refers to it although it is not certain.
To prevent the gelotofobia, you should avoid these situations, and in addition:
  • It is fundamental not mocking never children, not ridicule them, and do not use sarcasm to criticize your appearance or your behavior.
  • Parents should watch also if their children show feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem, or if you do not want to play with other children, since they may be being teased at school, and we need to show them that they have love and support to resolve any problems you have.
  • We must avoid also the overprotection and not hinder the socialization of children, since then it will cost them more interact with kids his age and they will not integrate naturally at school, so their behavior may be rare and may reject them.
  • Teach your children to tolerate frustration and sense of the ridiculous, and to be self-critical, but in order to improve, not to feel inferior, is a good way to make them feel more secure in themselves and better able to deal with adverse situations.
  • See a specialist if the child is on the defensive and refuses to interact with others.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness