How to choose proper tennis racket

How to choose proper tennis racket

If you have decided to get started in the world of tennis and you are considering to buy a racket, as if you are looking for is to change your life to improve your performance on the track, there are a number of aspects in which we must look when Choosing a tennis racket for our level, type game and physical conditions. The length of the racket, weight, balance, the size of striking surface, profile of the racket, gesture of beating (swing) speed and the type of strings and the string of the same pattern are the most important aspects to keep in mind when choosing among the multitude of options available on the market.
If you have not noticed this, all these features are related to two key variables in the tennis: beating power and ball control.
But succeed in your purchase is not only important to make the most of our technique and qualities, they should emphasize that the correct choice of the tennis racket is an important factor in the prevention of sports injuries, so it is good does not take it lightly or to opt only for aesthetics or the price.
But without stretching us in the I peloteo prior, we list you one by one the factors that determine the successful election of a tennis racket:
1. speed of the gesture of beating (swing)
The gesture of beating speed refers to the speed with which the player displaces tennis racket in executing some of the blows. Thus, players with speed of the gesture of beating under (slow swing) can be distinguished (usually novice and intermediate), players with speed of the gesture of half beating and players with a high swing (usually advanced players).
Tennis rackets more heavy and with a balance more displaced at the head of the racket, are usually intended for advanced players. However, players with a slower swing, should use rackets lighter and with one balance sheet more under that allow them a scroll faster when hitting the ball.
2. length of the tennis racket
The length of the tennis racket usually range between 68 and 70 centimeters. Aside from these rackets, there are junior rackets and of mini tennis with shorter lengths which are adapted to the smaller stature.
In a simple and easy-to-understand way, we can say that the longer a tennis racket, strongest offers when it comes to hitting the ball, since the angular velocity which reaches to the is greater at the time of the beating. On the other hand, this affects negatively the ball control, since the ideal striking point moves away from the body of the player.
We have to take into account that if the player is not able to move a long racket at the same speed that a shorter, beating power will be reduced considerably.
3. weight and balance of the tennis racket
The weight of a tennis racket is an important factor in choosing it, but above all the "how that weight is distributed" (balance) is what will make the difference between tennis rackets from power and control tennis racquets. This factor is also called 'balance point', that is that point where the Racquet stays in balance when we hold it with two fingers by the framework or neck. Depending on where that point is, we say that it's a high balance racket, medium, or low.
Much more moved weight towards the head of the racket of tennis (closest to the head balance point) is more power gives the coup. These tennis rackets are somewhat more complicated to handle, since the weight is far removed from the body of the player.
If the weight of the tennis racket is more displaced towards the handle (closest to the handle balance point) racket gives greater control to the player. This type of snowshoeing are somewhat faster to use, the weight of it is near the body of the player.
The weight of tennis rackets is usually among the 255g - in for players level initiation, with little force or a gesture of slow beating-, up to more than 300g - rackets aimed at advanced level and with a high speed in the gesture of beating.
4. size hitting surface
This is one of the factors that determine whether a tennis racket is more control or power. This measurement is expressed in cm2 and the Racquet head size is usually between 600 cm2 and 780 cm2.
In general terms, bigger is a racquet head, higher power brings. We can set the example of an elastic mini-cama in which a person bounces, opposite a large trampoline that someone were much more. This will also vary depending on the tension which player brings you to the strings, being a lower voltage that provides greater power to hit.
5. profile of the tennis racket
This aspect is one that most unnoticed pass when choosing a tennis racket and is also crucial to succeed in our choice. The profile of tennis racket is the height of the frame of the racket. This height is defined by rule in millimeters.
A thinner profile of the racket will give us greater control of the ball and a greater thickness of the profile will give us more power in the beating. For this reason, novice and intermediate players should tend to use snowshoes whose profiles are high (between 22 and 28 mm) and advanced players should tend to choose lower profiles (between 18-21 mm).
6 pattern of racket stringing
Tennis racket stringing pattern refers to the number of vertical and horizontal strings that has striking surface. Thus you can find open string patterns (when the string spacing is greater) and stringing patterns closed, when the space between vertical and horizontal string is smaller.
But, how does this when choosing a tennis racket? Open string patterns confer greater power to the coup and greater ability to print effects to the ball, while most closed stringing patterns provide more control.
The player has to take into account that the life of the strings (duration of the strings until they break) will be greater the more closed the tennis racket string pattern.
Taking all these factors into account, the tennis player should know what is what you get (power, control...), what are their characteristics and what better adapts to your style and technique to choose most appropriate tennis racket for your game. And remember, not always the most expensive is what suits us, let yourself be advised by an expert of confidence.

How to choose tennis racket for a beginner player

Now that we know all the factors or characteristics that we must keep in mind when purchasing a tennis racket, logically, we will have that we have to take into account our level of play so that they are consistent with the same, and make us one that suits our characteristics as a player.
First, let's look at how must be the ideal Racquet for novice players or low-level who are taking their first steps in this sport:
The swing (gesture of striking) Player of initiation is usually short, and what we want when we are learning is that player get greater control of the racket and the ball, then apply the power to the coup in following levels of play. Therefore, the Racquet that best suits players of level initiation must be:
1 length: short or normal, since the beginning player will not be able to control a tennis racket long properly.
2 weight and balance: usually snowshoes light and balance under (equilibrium point close to the tennis racket grip).
3 size of the surface of beating: normal u oversize if the player has little force (e.g. a child) and not is still capable of providing power to the beating.
4 profile: high (from 22 to 28 mm), we provide the necessary control at this early stage.
5 string: closed patterns, which provide us greater control of the ball.

How to choose tennis racket to a mid-level player

If you are reading this section we imagine that you are a player you've already taught, you have some good notions of the game and want to keep improving and get more out of your tennis with a new racket. First of all, this type of player have a swing (gesture of beating) medium or long and already has enough tennis racket control to consider seeking more power in the beating. With these premises, the characteristics of tennis rackets for players at this level (middle or advanced) is usually must be the following
1 length: normal or long. The player is able to move effectively a normal or long Racquet without losing control in the beating.
2 weight and balance: usually rackets whose weight is greater of 300 Gr. and its balance sheet is high (the point of balance is approaching the hitting zone). These two factors provide an extra power in the beating.
3 size of the surface of beating: anyone. Mid-level player is capable of handling any type of tennis rackets regardless of the size of the head. They tend to be small or normal rackets leaving the oversize for those people whose strength is lower (by age or physique).
4 profile: low (between 18 mm and 21 mm), gives us extra when it comes to hitting the ball power.
5 string: anyone. The open will give us more power, but the strings will break before.
We must warn that a unique combination for the election of a tennis racket there is for a player's level low, medium or high, but there are a series of guidelines as to which they give here that can help us to choose a racquet that best suits our characteristics as a player.
We do not always have to be guided by prices, marks or designs, but that we have to take into account what we need and what will be better adapted to our level of play. To this end, in addition to these tips, it will always be useful that you go to an establishment of confidence and let yourself be advised by an expert.
Article contributed for educational purposes
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