Meaning and Definition of scores | Concept and What is.

What are the scores?

The scores are representations of musical works through notes on a staff. The pentagram, the basis for the musical notation consists of five lines with four gaps, where the notes representing tones in particular are positioned.

In Western music, for scores, we used seven tones that are known do, re, mi, fa, sol, la and if. The different combination of these tones makes possible the creation and representation of any melody. That if there are various ways of representing these tones or notes, so to indicate that ring simultaneously (chords) or in certain rhythmic patterns. For this is used in scores to the figures or signs indicating the duration of a note. This round, which lasts 4 times, white, lasting 2 black, which lasts one time, the eighth, which lasts half time, the sixteenth, which lasts fourth time, the eighth note, eighth and lasting fusa semi-long, according to the steps, half of what lasts an eighth note. The famous bar corresponds to notes that are between two vertical bars, and duration or amount of base containing time is determined by the score at the beginning of the score, such as 4/4 or 4 beats per measure (1 / 4 by definition corresponds to a black, 1/2 white and 1/8 to the eighth. the characteristic rhythm of waltz, for example, is 3/4, which gives it its rhythm marked three notes.

The unit of time mentioned as a basis for the duration of the notes is relative, and now the creator of the work specified using the reference to a metronome. Formerly in subjective references scores were used as andante (suggesting the passage of a person), allegro (lively pace, usually a bit faster), presto (fast), adagio (slow movement), and so on. This was given to a more open interpretation, which did not much care for musicians of yesteryear, given to improvisation over written on paper base.

Regarding the history of scores in antiquity were stored in large manuscripts, and spent much time before the technology assist in its preparation. The first printed book to include scores, in 1457, had to include notes in annotated by hand. The first score with notes printed by a machine appears almost 20 years after the Gutenberg press. The effect of printed music on a larger scale had a curious effect; have more music available to increase the number of non-professional interpreters, allowing teachers to have more students for private lessons. Over time, the early 20th century, with the emergence and spread of phonograph scores were overshadowed, and its importance replaced by the recording industry.

Scores today are still used by musicians, and major advances in the field are related to the use of software to transcribe printed scores on paper to computer, allowing easy handling. There are also devices that reading music digitally, eliminating the need for page changes, so annoying sometimes for musicians when playing are concentrated.
Translated for educational purposes.
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