Move, and avoids the dangers of sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle , or what is the same, the lack of physical activity, is among the main risk factors of premature death worldwide and, like other aspects involved in the early population mortality - overweight, diet rich in fats and low in fruits and vegetables, abuse of alcohol, smoking...-, it is a cause of death associated with some improper lifestyles and preventable.
It is estimated that more than 60% of the world's population does not enough physical activity. The immediate and most visible of this consequence is obesity, which in turn increases the chances of other diseases such as diabetes, apnea, or some types of cancer, among others. The weight gain is associated with the energy balance, which means that if more calories that are burnt normally swallowed a weight gain occurs.
However, overweight is not the only danger of sedentary, since even if a person has a normal BMI (BMI) considered, various studies show that lack of physical activity is a risk factor in itself for the development of numerous non-communicable chronic diseases, may alter the metabolism, favouring the emergence of metabolic syndrome, and causes or worsens problems such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disorders, varicose veins, etc.
Experts explain the dramatic increase in the incidence of overweight and obesity around the world is not so much that I now eat more than before - although it is true that the abandonment of traditional and healthy food as the Mediterranean diet if it has to do in the phenomenon that is directly linked to the lack of physical activity.
And transportation - public or private - use and sedentary work and leisure are not most appropriate for the genetics of human beings because our body is designed to move and expend energy, as did our ancestors when they were forced to go out hunting or cultivate the land with their hands to eat.

Tips to prevent the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle

To prevent the sedentary lifestyle it is necessary to practice physical activity from childhood, and stay physically active throughout life, even in the elderly, since physical activity includes all bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require an expenditure of energy and, therefore, stay active does not necessarily play a sport, but there are plenty of everyday tasks that consume energy and that can be done without needing to visit a gym or carry out a training program.
At every stage of life physical activity needs are different, and the World Health Organization has established recommendations tailored by age:
In the case of the children and adolescents (from 5 to 17 years), must spend a minimum of one hour a day doing exercise (games, physical education, programs of training, sports...), moderate to intense, mostly of aerobictype, and it is convenient that at least three times a week also perform any activity that allows them to develop muscles and bones.
Adults from 18 to 64 years old They can perform recreational or leisure activities that involve motion, gardening, travel on foot or by bicycle, or domestic tasks or long walks, in addition to practice sport or to carry out an exercise program. The minimum time recommended by who should be engaged in physical activity is 150 minutes per week if the intensity is moderate, or 75 minutes per week if it's aerobic exercise of high intensity, always in sessions lasting at least ten minutes. In this age group who also advised to carry out activities to strengthen major muscle groups at least twice a week.
In the over 65 physical activity recommendations are similar to the of the former group - always according to their possibilities and status physics-, while those who have reduced mobility must perform activities - three times or more per week - that contribute to improve their balance and prevent falls. Sick people who cannot comply with these recommendations should be as active as it allowed its State.
Although you can not spend one or more hours a day to exercise, some gestures can improve your physical condition and your health and give you so esquinazo to sedentary:
  • Whenever possible, even if they are only 10 minutes walk. For example, you can download public transport one or two stops before reaching your destination and finish the tour walk.
  • When you have to do an errand, and distance permitting, try to walk.
  • If your work requires you to spend much time sitting, waking up every two hours, walk and stretch for spoilt the muscles. A short walk after eating is also highly recommended.
  • Go up the stairs rather than take the elevator, and if you do it several times a day, better.
  • The weekends, or in your free time, alternating sedentary activities (watching TV, reading, playing with the console...) with others involving movement (walking, play the paddle, swim, DIY, cycling, clean the House, take care of the garden...).
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness