Myofascial release

Myofascial release

Stress, headaches, lack of mobility, stiffness... are many negative symptoms that our body suffer, every day, because of the chaotic rhythm of life in which we are immersed. Try to take things easy and healthy life habits are fundamental, but, in many cases, we need professional help to make our body feel better and, therefore, to function properly. A perfect technique to put together the body is myofascial release.
As explained by Álvaro Guerrero, physiotherapist and Co-Director of the Medical Center and rehabilitation Premium Madrid, myofascial release is "a technique of manual therapy that is based on the application of movements and pressures sustained, aimed at the entire fascial system". Through it, physiotherapists specialists in these techniques seek to "liberate this system mobility restrictions, returning glides between all the tissues of the body, and making our body to restore their functional balance".
Although the investigation of the fascial system and its treatment began in the first half of the 20th century, it was not until the 1980's when multiplied his studies and began to have key significance in the world of physical therapy. Since then have developed a series of techniques which are used not only in the more classic physical therapy, but also in the sports and Traumatology, as it indicates the unit of research in physiotherapy at the University of Zaragoza.
In its normal state the fascia is stretched and relaxed but, however, because of an injury, an illness, trauma, an incorrect body posture, or just stress or anxiety, it tightens and may cause pain and lack of mobility. For this reason, the hands of physiotherapists work in it to correct those restrictions and make sure the body is best.

What is fascia?

The fascial system is a great unknown for the majority of people, but a dysfunction in this area may be the cause - or aggravating factor - of different physical problems. In this sense, Álvaro Guerrero points out that the fascias are "a tissue, formed by collagen, which cover all the muscles and structures of our body and whose function is to give the various systems of the same union and integrity, i.e. make the body work as a single unit".
The fascial system is a kind of three-dimensional lattice that is distributed throughout the body, either on its surface slope (which envelops the entire body under the deep face skin), or in the deeper (which envelops, separates and protects the muscles, joints, bones, or viscera).
The fact that the entire body is covered by the fascia makes good condition indispensable so that the entire body to function correctly. And is that the fascial system is not only related with the typical muscle aches or joint by those who tend to go to physical therapy consultation, but also in other small motions physiological but just as important, such as that of the expansion of the lungs whenever we breathe.
One of the most common problems that affect this system is the pain syndrome (SDM) myofascial, which occurs in an alteration of the correct length of the muscle and its muscle tone (also in the of your antagonist muscles), which produces tension and pain, so it must be treated by experienced physiotherapists.
Myofascial pain syndrome has its origin mainly in the so-called trigger points myofascial or trigger points, especially tense and binding areas due to incorrect or poor muscle contraction. It is in these nodules where born this type of pain, but is a timely and deep pain that also usually refers to other nearby structures.
The fascia can also sick, so we must pay attention to gain health. Because, if not treated, the trigger points can reach even to modify the body posture and cause problems in other parts of the body. To improve the quality of the fascia is important, says the physiotherapist of the Center Premium Madrid, "having a balanced diet and a good hydration," collagen supplements or the infrared don't have any impact on it or in its treatment.

Benefits and contraindications of myofascial release

The main benefit of myofascial release is that, to keep the fascial system in good condition and no restrictions caused by myofascial trigger points, the mobility of our body will be optimal and, therefore, will work best. Thus explains it Álvaro Guerrero, physiotherapist and Co-Director of the Medical Center and rehabilitation Premium Madrid, who also says that, "to eliminate fascial restrictions we increase the mobility of all tissues of the body, getting joint greater mobility and better circulation of all bodily fluids".
All this gets, at the same time, as manifest Warrior, we get toeliminate toxins that are accumulated between the different layers of our body fascial". Therefore, myofascial release get other additional benefits related to fluid retention, poor blood circulation, or cellulite.
And it is that words of the physiotherapist of the Premium Madrid, "seeks to harmonize the movement of all tissues that comprise our body".
Also delete the myofascial trigger points makes that will reduce localized pain and gain in quality of life.
And we cannot forget that help to conserve and enhance the correct body posture, so it is presented as a good weapon for the prevention of injuries and physical problems that they attribute to a constant, incorrect and harmful position both at rest and in motion.
Myofascial release therapy is also presented as appropriate in people with various diseases, such as fibromyalgia, lupus, Scleroderma or rheumatoid arthritis.

Contraindications of myofascial release

As it is the case with many other therapies, not everyone can take advantage of myofascial release, and there are certain contraindications. Always contact with medical professionals or physiotherapists, who are best placed to assess each patient pathologies, but in principle, persons who suffer from aneurysms, fractures, fever, tumors, infectious diseases, advanced phlebitis, or women who are in the first trimester of pregnancy should refrain from continue this therapy, according to declares Álvaro Guerrero, the Center Premium Madrid.

How is a myofascial release

Myofascial release is usually a technique not used alone, since professionals prefer to combine various treatments to get more benefits. In this way expresses it Álvaro Guerrero, physiotherapist and Co-Director of the Medical Center and rehabilitation Premium Madrid, who says that "it is demonstrated that the most effective combination of different techniques is to solve the problem" that causes us pain or pathology. Thus, in its Medical Center, are treatments of therapy myofascial combined with osteopathy techniques, mobilization neuromeningea or global postural reeducation, along with other physiotherapy techniques.
A session of myofascial release, which usually extend over a time, begins with palpation by the physiotherapist of the patient's body to determine in what state is the fascial system and where is altered.
Once diagnosed the problem, is important to warm up the fascia to make this more manageable; for this, and thank you it is composed of collagen, the professional will work with your fingers, palms, and even elbows, own fascia, in order to prepare for subsequent manipulation. At this point, the physiotherapist will perform, using long strokes, a series of stretches soft and sustained to lengthen the fascia and thus produce their release.
It is a quiet and leisurely, session since that fascia go stretching itself with the help of manual work, but never forcing it.
A single session of myofascial release, whose price goes from 40 euros, is enough to feel a substantial improvement in the facial system voltages, but logically will be the physiotherapist who values the number of sessions that a patient needs, since it will depend on the State of initial tension of the fascia and the existence of myofascial pain syndrome, as well as myofascial trigger points.
After liberation treatment myofascial is advisable, as explained by the Co-Director of Premium Madrid, "drink plenty of water to encourage the Elimination of toxins, and complement treatment with global postural reeducation and stretching (stretching) techniques".
Although the myofascial release helps to eliminate toxins and retained liquids, cannot be considered an aesthetic treatment and anyone interested therefore must always go to clinics that have specialized physical therapists. Handle the fascia without the necessary knowledge (especially when you have pain or disease) can be counterproductive, and if your only goal is to reduce cellulite or reduce swelling of legs, there are probably more appropriate treatments such as lymphatic drainage.

Self-liberation myofascial

Anyone can be a session of myofascial release itself, both at home and in the gym, once you have learned the correct technique to be performed without endangering their own health. However, self-liberation myofascial only can be considered a preventive method since training which, in the case of injury or illness, must be a professional which carry out treatment.
To perform a myofascial self-liberation, it is necessary to acquire a long roll of foam, known by his name in English foam roller. It will be slowly each muscle group above the roller. The own body weight and this long stroke will cause an effect massage and relaxation of the fascia although, of course, always much lighter than the one carried out by a professional using a manual technique.
Some training programs include small foam rollersessions, although its indication will depend on the type of physical activity that is to be performed and, of course, of the existence of physical problems added. In the case of muscle training, it is usually done a small self-liberation myofascial session prior to the session to heating mode, while, in the case of the athletes who practice endurance sports, it is most advisable to do it after training, or on a day of rest, to help release accumulated toxins.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness