'Pregnancy brain' pregnancy affect the brain?

Pregnancy causes a hormonal explosion in the female body, so it is not surprising that the brain of moms also experience some changes. What in English is known by the term Pregnancy brain is another symptom of pregnancy characterized by a lack of attention and concentration of the pregnant women, who have forgetfulness and memory loss, and make mistakes more frequently than before.
In the studies that have been done to see how it affects pregnancy brain, has been observed that the increase of hormones, such as progesterone, estrogen, and even the prolactin, affect neurons, the brain circuits and spatial memory.
However, rather than to potential brain disruptions, experts attributed to forgetfulness and confusion faced by many pregnant for two fundamental reasons: lack of sleep and the need to prioritize tasks and focus on the most important thing, which is undoubtedly the well-being of their future baby.
Exposure to hormones during pregnancy prepares the brain to be more alert and more sensitive to the needs of the baby, and this influences a loss of short-term memory
And it is that the brain has a great capacity to adapt to the new requirements - as the leading maternity- and changes start to occur long before the birth of the child, promoting skills that allow the mother take care of his son. Thus, a study conducted in the United States suggests that exposure to hormones during pregnancy promotes the brain to prepare to be more alert and more sensitive to the needs of the baby, and that this affects short-term memory loss.
After childbirth, many women still complaining about having more than forgetfulness before becoming pregnant, but it is estimated that during the first year of the baby's life mother accumulates up to 700 hours of sleep lost, to which is added that his mind is completely focused on cater to their offspring. Therefore, if this is your case, experts advise that you make a list of things you have to do - and of course don't go without a purchase - and you get to sleep whenever possible.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness