Stages of childbirth

Stages of childbirth

About to give birth? Quiet, we tell you what stage delivery is divided, each one and how much time is last.
He is considered that pregnancy has reached term between weeks 38 and 42 of pregnancy, although it is difficult to determine with precision the exact birth home, since the probable date of confinement (FPP) is based on a calculation of 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period.

The Antepartum

Before we talk about three phases of birth (dilation, pregnancy and childbirth), it should be done of the Antepartum. In this phase, oxytocin (a natural hormone produced in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for encouraging childbirth) is distributed by the blood stream and the woman begins to have mild contractions that sometimes are imperceptible. It also disappears the mucous plug. Sometimes this plug is lost shortly before delivery, but also can occur a few days earlier, even without the woman warned him.
During this interval, between 48 and 72 hours prior to childbirth, contractions gradually shorten the neck of the uterus or cervix, during pregnancy had lengthened to measure two and a half to three inches, which now reduces its size to less than half a centimeter. So begins the expansion, the cervix be deleted completely.

First stage: dilation

This phase consists of two stages: the passive dilatation (from 0 to 3 cm), and the active expansion (from 3 to 10 cm).

Passive dilatation

It takes six to eight hours to get an expansion of three centimeters, although sometimes it takes a whole day. The contractions are more pronounced, but still irregular (every 10 to 12 minutes). With the passage of time, the pain is acute, the contractions intensified and the interval between them is reduced. When regular contractions of a minute, which are repeated every three minutes, it is time to go to a hospital.

Active expansion

In this phase, contractions are most followed (every two or three minutes) and it expands a centimeter per hour approximately, although this varies in each woman. The cervix is widened to allow the departure of the baby, who down the birth canal.
At this moment is when administered anesthesia epidural, if that is the wish of the parturient. With anesthesia, sensitivity to pain, is lost but also the ability to push.

Second phase: pregnancy

The second phase of the party: the pregnancy starts when the expansion is complete (has already reached 10 centimeters,) and the baby's head is located at the end of the birth canal.
During the expulsive contractions are more spaced out: occur at least every three minutes, but also (a minute and a half) are longer and more painful.
At this time the key is pushing rhythmically, holding breath, pressure on the abdomen and diaphragm between each attempt, and after breathing deeply for oxygenate the child. The duration of this phase depends on many factors, such as the physical condition of the mother and if you have already had more children, his pelvis, how come baby, etc. It usually lasts between 15 minutes and an hour and a half. If necessary, practiced episiotomy, which consists of making an incision in the perineum (area between the anus and genitals) to facilitate the transition from the baby and prevent tears.
Once the baby has come out, the umbilical cord is cut, and settles it on the mother's breast. Health professionals are responsible for giving a suture points, where the episiotomy has practiced or tears have occurred.

Third stage: placenta

Referred to as delivery to the delivery of the placenta. After the birth of the baby, there are some contractions, less intense and painful than from the period of expansion, which help the placenta to detach from the uterine wall and be expelled.
Finally, before moving to the mother to your room (or an observation room) if it has administered anesthesia, nurses checked that the uterus has contracted correctly and there is no excessive bleeding, and disinfected the genital area.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness