Stretch marks in pregnancy: how to prevent its onset

Stretch marks in pregnancy

Most pregnant women have stretch marks on the skin. It's small lesions that are very unsightly, and due to the increased volume that all women suffer during pregnancy, coupled with a lack of elasticity in the skin. Following our tips, you can reduce and even avoid, its appearance and, if you already have them, takes note of the most appropriate treatments to eliminate them.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are lines or grooves that appear on the skin when it is subjected to sudden changes in volume. Therefore, they are common in pregnancies, although they also occur when a person grow quickly or modifies the volume of the muscle (as in the case of bodybuilders).
At first, stretch marks have a rosacea or red hue over time, become closer and are whitish or Pearly. They usually measure between one and three centimetres long, and one to five millimeters wide. Stretch marks do not cause pain or discomfort.

Why are stretch marks during pregnancy?

During pregnancy the skin stretches with the increase in workload experienced by the body. As a result, produces fibers of collagen and elastin in the dermis break causing the onset of fibrosis in the form of a small scar: the spline.
Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy also favor the appearance of stretch marks. Collagen production is altered, and therefore the woman Striae appear in stages so conditioned by hormones such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
Also, another factor to consider is the nature and the type of skin, as well as the genetic predisposition of each person. Dry and clear skins are more prone to stretch marks, since the dermis will crack easier if it is little hydrated.
The areas where stretch marks occur are: chest, belly, thighs and hips.

Tips for preventing stretch marks in pregnancy

Nothing we can do to changes in hormonal and body volume experiencing our body during pregnancy, but yes we can carry out various actions to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Or, at least, minimize it.
The most important thing is hydration and to be consistent when it comes to follow these simple tips:
• Keep your skin as moisturized as possible. To do this you must apply moisturizer twice a day throughout the body, except in the area of the nipple and areola.
• There are different brands marketed specific products stretch. Aloe creams are also highly recommended vera, gotu Kola, or argan oil. All of which nourish the skin, favouring its elasticity, making it more difficult that is cracking.
• Perform small massage on the skin at the time of applying the cream, thus helping their penetration and stimulating the circulation by the areas more prone to the appearance of stretch marks.
• Hydration also get drinking plenty of water daily.
• A healthy diet, varied and balanced, with healthy habits, is essential. We have to take protein, and foods rich in vitamins A, E and C.
• Take oral supplements of collagen, vitamin C and vitamin A is highly recommended.
• Walking and regularly practicing physical exercise adapted to pregnancy.
• Avoid exposure to the Sun or, if the Sun is taken, do so with a protection cream and then apply a moisturizing throughout the body. Stretch marks do not Tan, so stand out more in a brown skin.
• And, of course, not smoking. In addition to the harmful tobacco is the baby, nor should we forget its negative effects on health, and, in particular, on the skin, favouring the dryness of this.
The ideal is that you follow all these tips consistently since the beginning of the pregnancy, and continue with this routine after childbirth and, even, it is suitable that you start to apply them if you already have planned a pregnancy in the short term.

Treatment of stretch marks

If, after all, stretch marks appear, there are various treatments, depending on the type of stretch marks and the phase in which are found, that will help you to eliminate them. The more superficial stria, greater is the probability that the treatment is effective.
Pilar García of the Barga Palacios, clinical biologist and Director of the biological rejuvenation Center, says that "the stretch marks that have a red, rosacea or violet hue are easier to cure, because they are vascularized. However, the pearly white are more difficult, since when they have this tonality it is because they have made their appearance for a long time". García of the Barga recommended Microdermabrasion and radiofrequency, Mesotherapy, carboxitherapy as the most effective treatments to treat stretch marks.

Methods to combat stretch marks

Microdermabrasion: is a mechanical peeling. Microdermabrasion is a method that is used to remove the outer layers of cells in the skin, so there is a cellular regeneration thanks to the increase in the production of collagen and elastin. It is a system that allows you to combine exfoliation of dead skin cells and the growth of the new. In aesthetic, Microdermabrasion is very used for removing blemishes, scars, wrinkles and, of course, stretch marks.
Radio frequency: is a technique that increases the synthesis of collagen and elastin. By means of high-frequency currents, the skin temperature rises to favouring the stimulation of fibroblasts for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. It is also used to treat cellulite, and to reduce wrinkles and expression lines.
Mesotherapy: technique for the removal of cellulite and weight control. It is widespread in France. It consists of injecting small doses of homeopathic products in the dermis.
Carboxytherapy: it's injecting carbon dioxide (anhydride carbonic-C02), completely harmless element that causes the increase of oxygen in the tissues. Long used to treat cellulite and combat flaccidity.
It is advisable that you consult with a specialist your particular case and that it indicates you what is the most appropriate treatment, as well as keeping skin moisturised daily.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness