What is the history of the cinema?

The history of the cinema, also called cinema, has been developed, or it was brewing, through the contribution of different personalities, all of which delivered your grain of sand, so this art he could see the light.

The technique of cinema is based in fairly rapid succession of images. So, as if these images have no very marked differences between them, and are exposed at the speed of 10 or more images per second, our brain through eyes, captured the entire sequence, such as moving images. This is known as the persistence of vision phenomenon; in the first tape speeds between 16 and 23 pictures or images were used per second.

The first historical background of the film, gave them over the creation of the Camera Obscura, rudimentary principle with regard to the obtaining of images. This was created, in the middle of the 16th century.

The ability to project images, is based on the creation of A. Kirscher. We refer to the magic lantern. System with which, transparent images which were static or fixed could be displayed.

In fact, the magic lantern, was used from the beginning for the entertainment of people. Initially, by projecting images of ghosts (Etienne Robertson's Idea in the year of 1798). Subsequently, were the children who gave him a type of use: that of a toy.

Another fundamental process in the history of cinema, was to fix the images that were captured. The situation that occurred, through the work of Nicéphore Niépce (1827). Who managed to capture a photographic image, which was attached to a Tin plate, which, in its turn, was bathed with bitumen of judea.

In the last decades of the 19th century, the techniques for taking pictures, were improving dramatically. In addition, as regards the fixing of the same, these were becoming increasingly more flexible.

To achieve the moving images captured through photography, passed three important events. The first was the breakdown of the Gallop of a horse, using 24 cameras. That occurred in 1872, in the work of Edward Mobridge. Two years later, Jules Jasson, managed to capture the movement of a planet, using his camera. Finally, Etienne Jules Marey, studied the flight of birds emigration in 1882. That accomplished, through his camera.

So we arrived, to the fact which gave the will which today we know as cinema. This feat of da on December 28, 1895, day in which the Lumière brothers, managed to project for a small audience, the image of French workers, out of his job in a factory in Paris. That fact, turned quickly to the world. The Act of projecting images in movement, not only fascinated the French and Europeans, but also to the Americans.

Such was the demand for the film, in its rudimentary stage, the Lumière brothers were to create more than 500 films a year, to meet the demand.

Seal or gender that these French worked, can be designated as a documentary. Where there were actors, no mounts no. Only images of real life and nature. Way back, they began to give other genres, which required a narrative more deeply and developed, with scripts and actors.

Films at the beginning of the film were silent, i.e. did not have sound. Or no color. Over time will accompany them with music and then with recordings that corresponded to the dialogue of the actors; the film Don Juan, in 1926, was the first to incorporate the sound on recorded tracks. In addition were added color; the process used to give color to the films between 1922 and 1952 was the famous technicolor. Today the images are also processed digitally for the improvement of the image and to add special effects generated by computers.

With the passage of the years, has theorized enough envelope as it should direct to cinema, as human expression. There are those who show that the film should be like the other modern artistic expressions, where the abstract governs the composition of them. Otos, talk that the film should be a reliable and very real expression of facts which shocks humanity. Currently, cinema, through its artistic relevance, is regarded as the seventh art. With which denotes, which is a lot more than the projection of moving images. But a creation based on feelings and human genius.
Translated for educational purposes.
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