Concept and What is: Consumerism

Consumerism is a compulsion that leads the individual to buy unlimited and without necessity goods, goods and/or services. He influenced unduly by the media, which is common in a system dominated by material concerns, in which the appeals of capitalism calam deep into the human mind. No wonder the contemporary universe in which we live is known as "consumer society". After the Industrial Revolution, which made possible the increased scale of production and increased the volume of goods in circulation, the world has changed profoundly. With industrialization came the economic development along the lines of liberalism and the alienated consumerism, i.e., it is as if the goods were abstract entities and autonomous, independent of human efforts. Because now the man does not consume more, as once, the products he elaborates. He meets apartado of the fruits of their own labor.

The consumerist does not act as the consumer who buys the goods and services you need for their existence, since that's always across the borders of necessity and touching the shores of superfluous. He plays often moved by emotional and psychological disorders, or for socio-economic reasons, as a kind of compensation for the coldness of social conviviality, by financial shortages, damaged self-esteem, and for so many other reasons. The result of this impulsive attitude is generally the indebtedness, then the individual assumes an overload of work, in an attempt to eliminate the debt, therefore it is subjected to a regime of exploitation at work, again finds himself emotionally fragile and becomes prone to fierce consumerism. As we see, it creates a vicious circle, of which only with much effort and an effective therapeutic treatment the subject may be free.

Besides, the increasing accumulation of superfluous takes our society to a deterioration of the habits and values, as people gradually become slaves of materialism at the expense of the spiritual character of life. Their own social relations in the face of increasing added value of devalued goods, in fact even the relationships undergo material criteria. Consumerism can also cause a severe psychic disturbance, the oneomania, who leads the individual to a compulsive spending, more common among women. Nature also is undermined by the unlimited consumption, because the increase of goods, not only demand, but also supply, produces on the environment increase the volume of trash.

For the person looking for a treatment, you need to first get hold of her process that unfolds in your psyche, but take that step is not easy, because consumerism is an attitude often unconscious. The capitalist system generated in our society a misleading conception that the boundless consumption leads to well-being and is synonymous with civilization. So today we went Shopping Centers, true temples of consumption, which proliferate and increasingly we engage in rituals of purchase and acquisition of services, turning his own body in merchandise. Instead of delivering us, as before, the sacred rites, dove in increasingly secular nature of consumerism. And how to participate in this modern ceremonial is increasingly expensive, people spend excessively exploited the means of acquisition, i.e. everything and everyone are measured in terms of precious metal, power and social position which occupies, prerequisites to be enabled to a growing consumerism. The symbol of human happiness in contemporary society is the possibility of being able to consume without brakes, simply put, possession of material goods. What makes it difficult to get out of this vicious troll is that the system continuously feeds the thirst to consume, to have at its disposal a market always available.
Published for educational purposes
Culture and Science