Concept and What is: Inferiority complex | Psychology

Inferiority complex

The term inferiority complex was created by Alfred Adler, first a follower of Freud, who then resigned him for disagreeing with some ideas from the pioneer of Psychoanalysis. He believed that this feeling was inherent in man, and thus the environment in which the child grew. Dependent on the parents in the first moments of their development, apparently weak and therefore unable to perform certain feats, she had before him the ideal environment for the emergence of this complex. To balance this disturbance, the human being then generates feelings of superiority, trying to get some psychological advantages.

This alleged inferiority that some feel can be imaginary, from the moment the child becomes aware that it is not the only target of attention and love of family. Right now she feels jealous and angry. According to Adler, is fundamental in this complex analysis whether the son is the oldest, the youngest or the middle. These terms originate the future competition will develop amongst the brothers. Anyway, this feeling is unconscious, and is offset by compensatory ascendancy attitudes, to hide these disturbing emotions. What differentiates a normal perception of inferiority, which impel the man function for your particular developments, the complex is in an emotional state of deep despondency, which often leads the individual to escape from reality, reinforced by the fantasies of superiority.

The intimate of human beings is populated by power struggles, inferior feelings and competitions. That's how the man seeks the attention of his teammates, trying to stand out in the middle of all and fend off a little aggressive and unknown. These processes contribute to the development of the personality of the individual. The values can, from then on, gain negative contours, with the intensification of competition and aggressiveness, or positive, with growth of solidarity among people, and ever-clearer consciousness that losing a dispute it's not humiliating. As usually, in these moments of defeat, there's no one on our side to show us this affirmative face of reality, is almost inevitable fall into inferiority complex.

It is essential to plant seeds in children self-esteem and moral fortitude, which enable it to resist the viewpoints of others and the trials of the way that the Ego is facing. Parents need to create around the son mechanisms that develop, over time, an aura of security to protect it from outside influences, and that in childhood meet their initial feelings of fragility, lack of protection and dependence, experiences that give rise to what Adler calls a primary inferiority complex. This emotion can amplify if the family acquire the habit of comparing it to the brothers or the other adults.

Already the secondary inferiority feeling is associated with the adult, which tries to achieve a goal that lies in the unconscious or a so-called personal success to overcome his inferiority complex. The space that separates the subject from the achievement of these goals causes feelings of frustration and stirs up negative emotions and inferior. The inferiority complex is therefore linked to the environment in which the child develops, parents ' behaviour towards her – these should avoid negative and derogatory discourses, as well as the usual highlight kids ' glides-, the presence of certain physical defects, that cause often gibes and ironies of others, the mental constraints of this being and social levels also disadvantageous.

You can tell by the above factors, the biggest tormentor and opponent of our personality today is the view of another, which could result in our emotions varied disorders as well as serious psychological pathologies. In this moment of extreme anxiety, it is common to invent in our interior a superhero, through which we can perform emotionally and socially, with losses mitigated by our mental creation. After all, the human being does not support the marginalization, social rejection and loneliness.
Published for educational purposes
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